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Zach's POV

"JACK HURRRRYYYYYY!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"Chill! I'm coming!" Jack replies, opening the door and shutting it behind him.

"I swear, it's like you've taken 5 hours to get ready!" I roll my eyes and playfully shove him.

"But in reality, it's only been 5 minutes." He retorts, shoving me back. He chuckles and gets in the car.

I roll my eyes one last time, and get in the car as well.

"It's going to be crowded at the beach though....." Jack trails off as I start the car.

"Don't worry, we're going to a different one." I reply. I can see Jack look at me out of the corner of my eye, but I focus on the road instead.

30 minutes later

Just as I predicted. There were almost no people at this beach.

"SURPRISE!" I yell as I bring out the picnic basket.

"Oh wow,  Zach! You really thought of everything. A picnic on the" Jack looks like a three year old who just found out about the tooth fairy. It's so adorable. I'm taken by surprise when he suddenly tackles me in a bear hug. I hug him back and we stay like that for some time.

"Thanks, Zach. You're the best." He says

"About time you realized." I say, joking. Jack just rolls his eyes.

I put the basket down and stand back up, stretching.

"But we're not eating right now. C'mon, I'll RACE YOU TO THE OCEAN!" I holler the last part at the top of my lungs, and take off towards the water. I sprint as fast as I can and I've just reached the ocean when I feel Jack push me.

And I fall face down in the water.

And my mouth isn't closed.

I come up sputtering and choking and see Jack laughing his ass off. I dive back down and swim towards him, and he doesn't notice me because he's too busy laughing. I come up behind him and jerk his shoulders back, pulling him into the ocean.

He comes up coughing and glares at me. He starts splashing his way over and I laugh and back up to the shore.  Once Jack gets out of the ocean I start running, and he starts chasing after me. But he catches up after 10 seconds, and tackles me in the sand.

"You little dingus!" Jack says, still pinning me down.

"Hey! You're the dingus!" I say, struggling to get out. My breath slowly starts to even out as we both stop talking.

And just stare at each other.

Jack's POV

I can't believe I ever fell for someone so heartless like Ann. Compared to her, Zach is a freaking angel.

Holy crap. He's so freaking thoughtful. Holding me when I was a hot mess? Taking me to the beach? God. And he's really cute. Wait what? Cute? Where did that come from? All of a sudden it gets quiet. And then we make eye contact and I'm stuck there. Drowning in his warm, brown eyes. And... I have an urge to kiss him.

Do it!
You know you like him.
Fine. I do, but I don't know if he does. I'm not doing it.
Just confess to him later.
That, I will do.

After I have my mental argument, I let him up.

"Thanks. The sand felt nice on my back." Zach says, looking at me and rolling his eyes. And - are his cheeks redder than usual? Is he blushing?

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