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Jonah's POV

Oh, gosh. Am I blushing? Am I blushing because of Daniel?

No no no no no no.......that can't be possible!

Maybe you should focus on the bigger problem.....Zach?

Oh, yeah.......

But I got no idea where he is! How am I supposed to find him?

IDK. Figure it out.

What do I do?

"I honestly don't know." Daniel says, looking at me.

"Oh. I said that out loud." I say stupidly. Daniel chuckles a bit and it's kinda adora - WOAH.....where'd that come from?

"Yes, you did, Mr. Marais." Daniel says playfully. I roll my eyes, trying to hide the fact that my cheeks are kind of heating up.

"Guys? How are we going to find him?" Corbyn says, shooting me and Daniel a curious look.

"I think.....he doesn't want to be found. He needs to be alone." I hear a voice mumble from the room to the left of us.

It's Jack. He sounds so miserable.

Zach's POV

I stare up at the night sky, so thankful I brought my phone so I could listen to music.

Train Wreck by James Arthur starts playing. It's the first time I actually really listen to the lyrics.

Laying in the silence

Waiting for the sirens

Signs, any signs I'm alive still

I don't wanna lose it

I'm not getting through this

Hey, should I pray? Should I pray

To myself? To a God?

Wow.....I can relate to this song more than I'd like to.

To a saviour who can

Unbreak the broken

Unsay these spoken words

Find hope in the hopeless

Pull me out of the train wreck

Unburn the ashes

Unchain the reactions, I'm not ready to die, not yet

Pull me out of the train wreck

Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out

Pull me out, pull me out

After trying so hard to get out this train wreck, Jack came and I thought he saved me, but he didn't. 

I stare up at the stars and feel a gentle wind ruffle my hair. Sighing, I think of the day at the beach, and how I was so sure everything would be ok. Tears prick the corners of my eyes and I let one roll down my cheek before I take a deep breath. But then something in me clicks, and the tears stop. 

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