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Listen to their new single, Talk! It's SO good

Zach's POV

1 week later...(I did say it would be in the future XD)

Jack's head is in my lap while I play with his hair, Corbyn's playing video games, and I'm pretty sure Jonah and Daniel are making out in Jonah's room.

"How much do you wanna bet that Jonah and Daniel are making out in Jonah's room?" I whisper to Jack.

He snorts and says, "I'm not taking you up on that. You're probably right."

"Like I am with all things." I wink and Jack sits up to kiss me. 

"You know, I'm really glad I found you." Jack says, and I kiss him back. 

"I'm glad I found you too." I say. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. 

"Corbyn, you're getting that!" I shout, and get up despite Jack's whines.

"Babe, stay." I shake my head no, and walk over to the door to see who it is.

I get there just in time to see Corbyn open the door, and it's the one person I never wanted to see again.

I can feel the anger behind each syllable as I say, "Get lost."

"I want to apologize." She thinks she can apologize after what she did?!

"You think he'll ever forgive you for what you did to him?! You filthy, pathetic, little -" I'm cut off as I hear a sob coming from the living room. I shoot Corbyn a look that says deal with it for now, then head over to the living room and wrap my arms around my boyfriend.

"Shh, it's okay baby. She can't hurt you anymore." I whisper into his ear as he cries into my chest. The front door slams and I see Corbyn looking stressed, an expression you almost never see on his face.

"Daniel! Jonah! As much as you guys love making out with each other, you gotta come down. RIGHT NOW!" Corbyn shouts, and a few seconds later, we're all discussing what we should do with her.

"She hurt him once, I'm not letting her hurt him again." I say defiantly. 

"Yeah, but she deserves a shot....maybe you're being overprotective, Zach." Daniel says thoughtfully.

"No, she doesn't! She hurt Jack, and you can't just let it go that easily! Maybe you're being too soft!" I retort. Daniel opens his mouth to say something but then Jonah shoots him a look and he closes his mouth.

"Maybe we should ask Jack." Jonah says, then we all look at Jack, who looks up. He looks vulnerable, and his eyes have the trapped animal look.

"Jack...I understand if you want to-" I start. 

"Yes. I-I think she deserves another chance." Jack says. I purse my lips and nod as Corbyn goes to open the door for Ann.

Shorter chapter 'cause I have a writers block.

Anyway, about Zach saying the n word....

I have NO idea why people are acting up about it! Plus, it was in a song, it's not like he was trying to insult somebody. And guys, he's 17, and we all know he's wouldn't EVER be the person to say something like that. Jonathan even said Zach didn't say it, and I bet there are people out there who would give any excuse to hate on any of the guys. 

Honestly, I'm disappointed at how divided our world is. It's divided to the point where ONE word describes a different groups of people. I mean, it's better than it was a century ago, but if we refuse to set aside our differences, we're only headed towards our downfall. 

In the current world, there's mass shootings at churches and schools going on and corrupt policemen killing innocents. If anything, we're living in a dystopian world. 

Racism is something that shouldn't exist, because there's only one race: the human race. And if we can't look someone that's a different race than us in the eye, have we really progressed?

So yeah. That's my rant. I had to get it out, and the only way I know how is through writing, so thank you to all of you guys, and if you ever witness racism, please stop it. It may be one word, but it hurts more than it should.

Love ya <3

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