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Jack's POV

The next day....(10 AM)

I can't believe I ever forgot Zach.





A tear traces its way down my cheek and I feel someone wipe it off as my eyes fly open.

"Jack, don't cry. I'm right here." Zach says soothingly.

"I just - I just can't believe I ever forgot you." I say, leaning into him.

"Hey, it's okay. As long as we're together in the end." Zach wraps his arms around me and I melt into him.

"I can't believe my 'dad' convinced me Ann was my girlfriend." Tears prick the corners of my eyes and threaten to spill out.

"Jack," I can feel Zach's fingers tilting my face up to make me look at him. "Don't worry about him. He can't hurt you anymore, not when you're with me." Zach sighs and stand up. "Jack, we should probably go downstairs, the guys are going to the mall."

I shake my head and sit up.

"Stay, please." I say, reaching out to him. Zach's face softens and he sits back down on the bed.

"Zach, I love you." I curl my fingers in the fabric of his shirt, listening to his heartbeat.

"I love you too, Jack. No matter what." Zach rests his chin on top of my head, and we stay like that for some time.

Zach's POV

A few hours later....(2 PM)

"Zach, let's go to the beach." Jack says. I nod, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"I'll go get my stuff." Jack shouts over his shoulder as I head to my room to get my stuff.

A few minutes later I'm packed and waiting by the car for Jack.

"Jack HURRY!" Oh my god. The day when Jack confessed....that was the best day of my life.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming!" Jack rushes out of the house.

"Jack, we're going to the same beach. Where we had our first kiss." I inform him with my eyes on the road.

"So cheesy." Jack mumbles under his breath.

"But you love it." Jack pecks my cheek.

"True." Suddenly, Jack puts his hand on my thigh and my breath hitches.


"Yeah, Zachy?" Jack says innocently. I just roll my eyes and let it be.

Until he moves it an inch higher.

"Jack, I'm driving." I growl.

"Are you trying to turn me on? It's working." Jack says. I roll my eyes.

"No, I'm not. Just...leave your hand where it's at." I say. His hand stays there for another 5 minutes before he moves it up again.

And it's kinda close.

That's when I pull over and whisper in his ear.

"Am I turning you on?" I make my voice drop a few octaves.

"N-no." Jack's blushing. I lean in teasingly close, then pull back just as he goes in for the kiss(hahahahaha you thought).

"Backseat. Now." I command.

"What? But -"

"Nah. I'm not listening to you. Backseat, or I will ditch you." I smirk at him, knowing he has no choice.


20 minutes later....(3 PM)

"We're here!" I say. Jack rummages in the trunk and he brings out the picnic basket.

"YAS! YOU BOUGHT FOOOOOD!" I scream, then tackle him from happiness. Soon, we're both laughing our asses off, until we both run to the ocean and I push him in. Jack starts swimming towards me and I run until he catches and tackles me.

"I love you so much." Jack breathes.

"I know. I love me too." I grin cheekily at him. Jack just rolls his eyes and kisses me on the nose. He lays down with me, and we end up cuddling.

3 hours later.....(6PM)

"I have something to show you." Jack says, grabbing my hand as we step over a few rocks. Jack places his hands over my eyes and I can feel the texture under my feet change from sand to something smooth.

"Can you lemme see now?? I'm trying kinda hard not to trip." Jack remains silent for a moment, then removes his hands from my eyes. We're in a cave, and there's a picnic blanket on the floor with candles at the edges of the cave. Inside the cave, we can see the sunset turning the sky into a splash of colors.

"Jack...." I'm speechless.

"It's our one month anniversary(I haven't been counting, just pretend like it is)." Jack says quietly, and I start panicking.

"Don't worry, you don't need to get me anything. You technically took us on out first date, and the reason why we kissed on the same day.....there's nothing I can do to repay that. I love you, Zach." Jack looks at me with tenderness and warmth in his eyes and I just melt.

"I love you too, Jack. No matter how distant I seem, I do." I get comfortable in his arms, and we just watch the sky turn from pink to orange, and finally, black with stars dotted across it.

If I could live in today forever, I would.

Because this.

This is everything.

Herro! If you guys haven't checked out my other book, PLS do! ALSO, the next chapter will be sometime in the future, so prepare yourselves.

I can't believe that I'm almost done with this book, I'm kinda sad....

ANYWAY, thank you guys for ALL of your support, I couldn't love you guys more.


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