Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: London, Here We Come

~Song London's Calling by The Clash~

Our flight was down at LAX and we were scheduled to take off at 6:30pm. I didn't have to text her for her to come out because as soon as I pulled up she immediately came out with a backpack and two luggage cases. She always brought her entire room with her when we went anywhere. One of the reasons I loved her so much.

"Can you pop the trunk please? We don't have all day!!" She squealed.

"Haha hold your horses!" I replied.

She threw the cases in the back and hopped into the passenger seat next to me.

"Here we come London! Crank up the tunes Sylvie. I can't ride in the car without the radio."

I turned on the radio, it was already on 102.7 KIIS FM.

"Southern California's most listened to radio station!"

I mimicked as the seductive radio robot woman's voice came on. Then we both went crazy as Justin Bieber's new song “Boyfriend” came on. We both sang and yelled it at the top of our lungs. In the middle of our singing and laughter Julia said

"Hey so, I know things haven't been great obviously. But have you told your parents about what's going on?"

I was a little taken back by this question. Julia and I usually never discussed my relationship with my parents. My heart sank just a little. I was hesitant.

"……No. I didn't think it was necessary to fill them in on my life. We haven't talked since I left. They've left the odd messages now and then, but I haven't gotten a message in about a month."

I could tell she felt embarrassed for asking her question.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought…" She trailed off.

"I know. Don't even worry about it! This trip is all about you and me! We're going to have a blast! And hey we may even meet a couple of guys!"

And I winked. Julia giggled and we drove the rest of the way laughing and harmonizing songs. 


We were about half way into the flight when the flight attendant announced that we were allowed to use our electronics. We both pulled out our laptops and went on Facebook to make cute statuses about going to England and then we'd always take a picture and tag each other in the status. We both did really funny faces in the picture. I had my eyes crossed and stuck out my tongue with the two thumbs up while Julia blew up her cheeks crossed her eyes and pulled her ears out. We both cracked up and the look of the picture.

"Julia, should we really post this pic?!"

"Yes!! Yolo!!"

I couldn't help but laugh. That statement was still so funny to me.

We both went on tumblr and saw all these posts and pictures on One Direction. It was this boy band from England. I have to say they were honestly so cute. And their voices did make me melt inside. But hey, they were famous. What was I gunna do?

I then got a notification on Facebook.

"Lily Thompson likes your Facebook status" it said.

Oh my God! I completely forgot! In all the rushing of getting out of LA I forgot that one of my best friends was in England! I met Lily when I was about 3 and she was about 7. I don't honestly remember it at all because I was so little but our families were really good friends and seeing all of the pictures together brought back great memories. She found me on Facebook about 4 years ago and we haven't stopped talking since. I told her my friend and I were planning on coming to England and she was so excited.

"Julia!! I forgot that Lily is supposed to meet up with us when we get to England!"

"Agh that's great! I'm super psyched to meet her! She's kinda exotic hahaha!"

She was exotic. Well, very rock and roll type. She wasn't afraid of anything. And she was beautiful. She had the cutest boyfriend. And she was English! She had it all going for her! Just then I got a message from her saying

"Sylvie!! When do you land?? We have to meet up! I've got to take you guys to the hottest spots here and I think I've got some guys I'd like you two girls to meet! ~Lily x"

I playfully hit Julia's arm in my excitement. Something I did quite often.

"Julia!!! Look!!" Julia looked at the message.

"Oh my God. This is going to be the best time of my life."

We continued to talk to Lily and sort everything out. Then we later decided it was a good idea to try and sleep a little. We fell asleep for about 3 hours. We were awakened by the sound of the captain saying

"Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your seats, fasten your seat belts, put your tray tables up, and turn off all electronic devices. We will be landing shortly."

Julia and I exchanged excited looks. We were finally here.


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