Chapter 12

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  • Dedicated to Julia Coloso

Chapter 12: I Need To Sleep

~Song 1901 cover by Birdie~


"Ready to go?!" Lily said in her hyped up voice.

She hadn't been drinking a ton in order to drive back home. That settled me a bit. Everyone had a bit of alcohol in their system and they were all pretty buzzed. 

"Yeah, I think we're ready!" 

I was a bit bummed, I didn't really connect with Harry as much as I wanted to. 

"Hey, wait! Do you girls want to sleep over tonight at mine and Nate's place? The boys are coming over and I'd rather not be the only girl!"

Harry chimed in.

"Yes! Come sleep over!" He flashed a smile to me.

My insides turned every possible direction. I couldn't though. It was too much for one night. I needed time to think. I thought c'mon Sylvie have fun. But it was just too much. I just got here. I looked at Julia. She looked back at me with pleading eyes. I said to her,

"You go. I want you to have fun! Be with Niall. But it's just too much on our first night for me." 

"I don't want to go without you!"

"Seriously, Jules just go. I'll be mad if you don't go."

Lily piped in.

"Are you sure Sylvie?"

"Yeah just drop me off at the hotel. I'm just too tired. I promise we can all hang tomorrow!"

"Alright! We'll miss you."

Harry overheard.

"You're not coming?" His face saddened.

"Nah, I'm just a bit jet lagged."

"It won't be the same if you're not there."

I laughed, "I'm sure you'll get by just fine!"

 I winked and walked over to go say goodnight to the others. I liked flirting with Harry. And I wanted to go but I was just honestly too tired to go, and I wanted to think a little bit about everything.

We got to the car and the three of us got in and started to drive. Julia was telling us all about the kiss she shared with Niall

"…..Then he told me that the night would never have to end! Words can't describe how I felt."

…..Why didn't I get to kiss Harry like that? Wait, what am I thinking. I just met him. 

"But didn't you just meet him Jules?"

"Yeah, but sometimes it just feels right! Don't start becoming such a crabby pants. We're here to have fun!"

"I'm sorry. I think I just need to sleep. I'm so dead tired."

Lily and Julia kept talking. I wasn't paying much attention though. I couldn't get my mind off Harry. He seemed to be really interested in me. Do I like him? I thought to myself. I can't figure out my feelings for him. When we danced I felt liked and I also felt safe like that with him. I could have danced like that forever. I just wish I could have talked to him more. I was so shy. Should I go tonight to talk to him? No, I'll just be getting myself into more trouble that I don't need. You're here to focus on you and have fun Sylvie. I reminded myself.

We arrived at the hotel.

"Have fun guys! I'll see you in the morning! Text me and tell me all that's going on. I mean I'll probably be asleep but…..hahahah just text me!"

Lily replied, "Will do hun! Now go get some rest."

"Alright love you girlies! Night!"

I walked back up to the room. Boy was I happy to see a bed to lay down in.

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