Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: European Guys Aren't Shy

~Song Wake Up by Arcade Fire~

We got off the plane and we looked like zombies. We had only gotten 3 hours of sleep on the plane and jet lag immediately kicked in when we got off. This was not the first time I had been to England, but not visiting for so long going through the time change is like being warped into another planet.

"Is the hotel far from here?"Julia asked.

"I honestly don't know! We'll see when we get to the taxi. I really hope the taxi isn't expensive."

We stopped in front of baggage claim when I felt my phone buzz. It was Lily.

"What hotel are you staying at? Do you want me to come pick you up tonight and we'll go out somewhere? ~Lily x "

I was definitely up for it. I may have been tired but screw it. I could sleep another time.

"Jules, would you be up for going out with Lily tonight?"

"Yeah sounds like fun! One condition, will there be cute boys?"

"Hahaha, knowing Lily, probably yes. But I'll ask!" I texted her back and said,

"We're staying at The Cumberland Hotel in Central London! And yes, only one condition. There has to be cute boys!! Hahaha ~Sylvie xx"

She immediately replied with,"But of course there will be!;) And great! Dress in something sexy! See you at 8:30 loves! ~Lily x"

"See you! ~Sylvie x"

We eyed are bags finally after 30 minutes. I was almost convinced that our bags didn't go through. I almost flipped one. But thankfully I contained myself and they came right along. We grabbed a taxi and I told the driver the address.

"Oh so you two are from American now are we?"

The taxi driver said, obviously trying to chat us up. European boys or um erm "men" were rarely ever shy. I replied after a while and said keeping it short.

"Erm, yeah. Just visiting!" No reply. After a few minutes of driving I asked,

"I'm sorry but how long is it to the hotel?"

"In a rush are we?"

Choosing my words carefully.

"Um, no. Just a bit jet lagged…"

"We're about 5 minutes away ladies. Can you hold on till then?"

"Yes." Julia and I both said in sync.

We both thought this guy was sketchy. I turned to Julia and spoke, low enough so only she could hear me,

"Lily says she'll pick us up around 8:30 and to wear something sexy! It's 6 now so we'll have quite a bit to get ready. Think we can do it?"

"For sure, for sure. Just as long as this guys hurries his ass up and drives!" We both giggled. 

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