Chapter 27

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  • Dedicated to Julia Coloso

Chapter 27: I Can't Do This

~Song Blood Bank by Bon Iver~


We got to the hotel and there were paparazzi everywhere. I couldn't get through to the door. Harry was pushing them away and dragging me by the hand. I didn't have the energy to compete with them. So I just let Harry drag me. 

"Sylvie, what happened out there? Was that you're ex-boyfriend?"

"Harry, did you get in a fight with him?"

I could just comprehend some of the things they were asking. I looked dead. I know I did. My face was solemn and I didn't say anything at all. Harry had finally had enough.

"Back the fuck off you dirty pigs!" He screeched and pushing and shoving angrily through them. Till we finally got to the door.

I didn't want everyone to know what had just happened. It will be in all the magazines and tabloids by tomorrow I thought to myself. I was hating everything at the moment. I wanted to just go home. Like none of this ever happened. I wish I had never met Shane. I wish I hadn't left my parents. They'd know how to make me happy right now. But they don't know anything that's going on. 

We got to my hotel room and I had a key card to get in. Harry opened the door for me. I stepped in the room and was bombarded with everyone coming up to me. Everyone was there. Everyone. I wanted to explode. I saw Julia through everyone and she came rushing up to me in tears.

"I thought I lost you." She cried.

I burst out in tears. And I hugged her. We both stood there crying our eyes out. While everyone watched. 

"I really need to be alone Jules. I just can't have this many people here right now. I feel to claustrophobic." I whispered to her.

"Okay, I'll get them to leave."

She walked over to where everyone else was. I noticed them looking at me then looking back at Julia and nodding there heads. Soon enough it was just me and Julia.

"Jules, I was so scared." I started.

She just looked at me with empathy and nodded for me to go on.

"Shane abused me Jules. That's why we broke up. It wasn't because we stopped talking..."

Her eyes filled with tears again.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"Because I thought if I didn't tell anyone, the thought of it would just go away..And it did. Then I saw him this morning and my entire world turned into hell."

She walked over and hugged me while I was sitting on the bed.

"I'm so sorry. He can't hurt you now though. All of it will be in the tabloids by tomorrow and he'll be known as a bad guy."

"But I don't know if I want it all there..for everyone to see..."

She just stared at me.

"I don't know if I can do this Jules."

"What are you saying?"

"I...I want to go home. This is all too much for me."'

"No. You can't do that. Trust me. You love Harry and he loves you. Shane's an asshole and he's not going to hurt you anymore. Please, just give it a chance Sylvie. I know everything will be okay. I know it will be..I mean maybe you should take a break and get away from the city for a while...Harry wants to take you to his home. He wants you to meet his parents. You should go. It will be like the family you never had. They'll love you."

"You're not going?"

She hesitated. I wiped the tears off my face and waited for her to say something.

"Well....Niall invited me to go to Ireland with him and to meet his family tomorrow morning..."

"When were you planning on telling me this?!" 

I hit her arm softly.

"Well, today. But everything got....hectic.."

"Fine. Go to your boyfriends house. And leave me here alone to die."

"Hahaha don't be dramatic. You're gonna go to Harry's whether you like it or not."


"Oh shut up, you know you want to."

I looked at her and giggled,

"Hahaha...I do.."

"Okay well, I heard you guys are leaving tomorrow morning too. So you better sleep with Harry tonight so it's not all crazy in the morning!"

"I will. I'll feel a lot more safe tonight in his arms. Oh and Jules one more thing..."


"Harry said he loved me tonight.."

She glanced at me then her eyes got super wide.

"Oh my God!!!!!! See!! What'd I tell you?!" She squealed

I just laughed then smiled.

"Alright, we'd better go tell everyone that I'm fine and we should all probably get to sleep."

We walked out and everyone was anxiously waiting. Harry walked over.

"Can I sleep at your place tonight? Jules told me about going to your parents and if I sleep at yours it will make things less crazy in the morning. And I'll feel a lot more safe with you tonight."

"Of course baby." 

He embraced me in a hug. I already felt warm and secure in his arms. 

I finally said goodbye to everyone and thanked them for being here for me. 

"Honestly guys, thank you. It really means a lot. You guys make me feel like family."

Niall looked around at us all and said, "We are family."

One by one the boys came up to me. And gave me hugs.

"You gave us all a heart attack tonight. But we are all so glad you're safe." Liam squeezed me.

"You honestly scared me shitless. But I guess that's why I like you. Hahaha I don't even know what I just said but I'm really glad you're okay Sylvie. And hey have fun at Harry's!" Louis winked.

"Glad you're okay love. Seriously. I don't know where we'd all be right now if Harry hadn't come to your rescue. We love you."  Zayn said.

Niall was last.

"Really glad your here and alive and safe. You gave both me and Julia an anxiety attack. Honestly though I was being such a girl. Julia was so much better then me." 

"Hahahaha you can be whatever you like Niall. I'm just glad you guys care so much and I love you guys too."

I said goodbye to Eleanor and Lily and told everyone Harry and I would call when we got to his house. 

We started walking towards Harry's car. And I stopped.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked with a concerned look.

"What if your family doesn't like me?"

His face loosened and he just smirked.

"Well then I guess I'll just have to find a new girlfriend that they will like!" He joked.

"That's not even funny!"

"Hahaha babe, relax. They will love you. You're perfect for me. If they don't love you they're going to have to learn to love you then. Cos' you're not going anywhere."

I smiled and ran into his arms to kiss him.

"I love you."

"I love you too my love." He said and we got in the car to drive to his apartment. 

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