Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Are You Sure?

~Song God Made Man by Young the Giant~

"I want you. I want all of you. Forever. You and me. Everyday." ~The Notebook


I 100% absolutely lover her. There's no doubt in my mind. She's gone through a lot of stuff and it all just makes her a stronger person. She doesn't show anyone she's weak. She's all herself. I learn something new about her everyday. Some would say that's a bad thing..But I don't necessarily think it is. I find it intriguing that she's just a mystery. She's everything a person should be. Not just a girl, but a person.

"Is your apartment messy?" 

She interrupted my thoughts. I laughed. She was so random.

"Well, yeah I guess it is. Why?"

"I was just checking to make sure I wasn't the only one. But don't tell anyone. Me being messy is a secret." She giggled.

"Hahaha don't worry. Your secrets safe with me."

She started playing with the ring on her hand. I saw it was the same symbol as the necklace I gave her. She suddenly touched the necklace and then gazed out of the window.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked curiously.

"Hahaha you. I didn't think this was possible."

"Didn't think what was possible?"

"I didn't think falling for someone this hard was possible......And I definitely didn't think them falling hard for you back was possible either." 

"I didn't think I'd ever find someone like you..but yet here we are. Together. Sitting in this very car. Very much in love."

She smiled. A really nice smile she had. A smile that held so many words. Words that would never be spoken. 

We drove a long in silence a little while. She seemed tired and I didn't want to bother her. Then I heard thunder.

"Great." I sighed.

"What is it?"

"Just your typical great London whether."

"Haha I don't mind it. I love the rain. I've always wanted to run in the rain."

"Well, then it's your lucky night isn't it?" I smirked.

We arrived at the apartment. I parked outside so it would be easier to leave in the morning, but I mostly did it so Sylvie would have her chance to run in the rain.

She got out of the car and just let the water literally soak her body in water. She noticed me staring.

"Hahaha what? Never seen anyone enjoying the rain before?"

"Hahahah not in England!" I joked. 

But it was true. Everyone here hated the rain.

I grabbed her to pick her up and run up to the apartment. She squealed.

"I secretly love it when you do that!" She whispered in my ear.

We got up into the room and she took of her jacket. And just stood there dripping wet. She turned and looked at me. She came closer and pushed my curls back.

"Your hairs a lot more curlier now." She giggled.

"Haha is that good or bad?"

"It's....good." She bashfully smiled.

Then she kissed me. And I kissed her back. She put her hands on my neck. And I wrapped mine tight around her back. She moved her hands up around my hair to play with it. She always liked to touch my hair. But I didn't mind it. I kissed her harder. But not to hard. She didn't resist. I took her hand and started walking towards my room. But she stopped and then jumped on my back. I laughed. She wanted me to carry her there. We got to my room and I laid her down on the bed. It was dark but neither of us cared. I crawled on just almost to her. She sat up and put her hands on my stomach. She lifted my shirt off then giggled.


"Hahaha...nothing.." She smirked.

I knew instantly why she was giggling. But she didn't care anyway. She kissed me again passionately this time. I stopped. I wanted to make sure this is what she really wanted.

"Sylvie, you want this now? Right here, with me?"

She looked at me for what seemed almost too long.

"I have never been more sure of anything in my life." She finally breathed.

She gently laid back down again. I lifted off her shirt this time. And I found something she had never told me about before. On her right rib she had a tattoo. It said Baby Scars. I didn't know the purpose for the tattoo or why she got it. But something told me it stood for something important. She noticed me staring.

"Every mistake I've made, everything bad that's ever happened, those things are all baby scars. It's a reminder that I'm strong and I know everything will be okay in the end."

I don't know why but it just felt right. And I kissed her side where her tattoo was. She giggled. It tickled her. She was perfect. We made love. And I don't care if everyone in the world new about it. She is the one for me. And I wanted her to know that. And I hope I'm the one for her.

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