Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Why Now Do You All Of A Sudden Care?

~Song Second And Sebring cover by D At Sea~


"Sylvie, please let me know you're alright. I don't where you are. I love you and I'm always thinking about you. Can we please work things out? I miss you. You're now 18 and can go off and do what you want. I know you wanted to go to England with Julia. Maybe you're there right now. Just please, send me a message to let me know everything's okay. I love you.~Mummy x"

Tears were welling up in my eyes. I tried to hold them back so Eleanor wouldn't see me tearing up. I saw there was a little patio outside. Perfect.

"Excuse me one sec? I just have to handle this really quick."

"Sure thing love!" 

I went outside and sat down. I burst out into tears.I couldn't handle this now. Why did she have to do this now? Why did all of sudden she care to message me? She hadn't messaged me in months. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I just wish this could all be fixed. I missed my parents so much. But I just couldn't handle them. Just then someone stepped outside. I quickly wiped the tears from my face and stood up to see who it was. Harry. Great. I didn't want him to see me like this.

He hesitated, "Sylvie?....."

"It's nothing. Don't worry, I'm fine! I promise!"

He pulled me into him and gave me a huge hug. That made the tears flud out of my eyes. He comforted me. I was completely sobbing and felt so embarrassed.

"Babe, please tell me. I don't like seeing you like this."

I hesitated while I sat down. He sat down next to me but he turned to face me.

"I got a message from my mum...and I haven't heard from her in months."

He looked at me confused. I continued.

"I left my parents when I was 16. They were divorced and always getting into fights. They never listened to me. And my mum didn't have a home since she was traveling back and forth from here to LA all the time. So I was living with my dad full time since I was 13. I could only deal with him for so long. And so I left. And I haven't spoken to either of them since. In the beginning they kept calling and leaving messages. Then I went back to school and everything was going fine. I felt so much better without my parents always on my ass and always on each others case. I had gotten a job that paid well and I thought I had found the perfect boyfriend. He kept my mind off my parents. And on nights when I was lonely he would convince his parents to let him come stay with me. Everything was perfect. Then one day it just wasn't. Shane stopped talking to me and didn't ever tell me why. My parents had stopped leaving messages and I felt the loneliest I've ever felt. I had Julia. But I neglected her for a while. Then later we got back into our friendship after a while and she helped me get over the bump of losing everything. Then when we graduated Shane was shipped off to military school and I still hadn't heard one thing from my parents. Julia and I decided that this trip would be perfect. Everything was going fine, and then my mum just messaged me now. Out of nowhere. I don't know what to do. I don't how to respond. I just can't deal with her at the moment. But I don't want to keep her worrying."

Harry was absolutely stunned. He looked at me with such concern and such love. 

"I'm so sorry. I just...I don't know what to say."

"People usually don't."

He pulled me in. I wrapped my arms around him tight. We stayed there for what felt like forever. I didn't want to let go. Tears were rolling down my face.

"I didn't want to tell you. It's so depressing and I didn't want to ruin the night for you."

"That's the least of my worries right now. I'm so glad you told me. I want you to be able to tell me anything. I just don't understand why this would happen to you."

Just then Julia stepped out.

"The foods ready guy---oh! What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah Jules, everything's fine. My mum.....she uh, just messaged me. I just needed some time to think. I'll talk about it with you later."

"Oh my God. Yes. We will."

She went back inside.

"Thank you for being here."

"I will always be here." He titled my chin up and kissed me. He continued, "Alright, let's get you inside and get some food. I know you're starving!"

He lifted me up and carried me like a bride.

"Ahh!! Harry!! Hahahaha put me down!!" I cried.

"Oy! What were you two doing out there?!" Louis questioned.

"None of your business!" I shot back with a giggle.

We all laughed. Even though I just spilled my entire sob story out to Harry I knew he didn't care. All he cared about was me. I was glad to be here with him and his friends. I felt like family here. I looked at Harry and he smiled at me. I dove in and gave him a kiss.

"What was that for?" He smiled.

"Dunno. Just felt like it." And I smiled and turned to the others to eat our food. Oh my God I don't think I have ever been so happy in my life to see food. I was so hungry.

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