Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: Let's Get Coffee

~Song Cold Coffee by Ed Sheeran~

"Will you stay with me forever?"


"Can we reschedule today's recording to some time next week? Something came up.~Ed xx"

Yes! I was so tired. I didn't really want to go today, plus I was taking care of Charlie while Jules was doing job interviews.

"Yeah, don't worry that's fine. I have Charlie today anyway so best to reschedule. See you next week :)~Sylvie xx"

"Aw, wanted to see the little one! Wanna meet up Saturday?~Ed xx"

"I'll see what Julia's planning!~Sylvie xx"

So what am I gonna do today? I turned the tv on, I decided I wanted to put some music on and I was too lazy to look for my phone with my itunes on it. I went to go get Charlie from his room.

"Charlie let's dance!!" I said in that high voice people always use when they talk to babies and little kids.

He's started learning words so he replied by clapping along to Party In The Usa while I sang it...They're still playing this song hahaha I thought.

"Yay, yay, yay!" He cried.

He's so cute. Looking at him in this moment right now though he reminds me so much of Niall. He looks so much like him. Why did I always have to think about that? Thinking about Niall of course made me think of Harry. It's been 3 years. I haven't even been trying to look for someone. I just gave up I guess. It's no use. I'll honestly never be happy with anyone else. But as long as Julia and Charlie are in my life I'm okay. I smiled and picked up Charlie to dance with him.

"Who's the cutest thing in the world?!" I said while putting him on the couch. "Is it you?!" I said as I started to tickle his belly.

He laughed so much. Hahaha I honestly loved babysitting this child. He was so much fun and he wasn't a hard baby to handle like every other one I've taken care of. I picked him up and went into the kitchen.

"No coffee..No sandwiches." I said out loud. 

I looked at him.

"Should we run out to Starbucks and get coffee and sandwiches Charlie?!"

"Yeah!!!" He smiled.

"Hahaha, okay let's go put our shoes on!"

I walked into his room and put him down. He was supposed to be learning how to put his own shoes on but when Julia wasn't at home I just let him put the easy slip on shoes on hahaha.

I just quickly texted Julia to let her know where we were going.

"Going out to Starbucks real quick. Charlie and I wanted some coffee! :P Want anything? How's interviews going?~Sylvie xx"

"Yummy! Get me a frappaccino please?! And they're going really well! I should be home in about a half hour.~Julia xx"

"See you then! Oh and Ed wants to see Charlie on Saturday. Is that okay?~Sylvie xx"

"Yes!!!~Julia xx"

Perfect. I grabbed my bag and Iphone off the kitchen counter and reached in to find my sunglasses and car keys.

"C'mon Charlie! Let's go!"


He came running out.


He nodded his head and putting his hands up gesturing me to carry him. I picked him up grunting.

"You're getting heavy there mister."

He giggled. I walked out of the apartment and locked my door. I turned around to meet eyes with Mike. The guy who flirted with me before I left for England.

"Mike! You scared me!"

"Sylvie! Hey how are you? And sorry haha"

"I'm um great! How are you? I haven't seen you around lately.."

"I'm great! And I know. I just got back from Chicago. I was visiting family. And is this your little guy?!"

"Hahaha oh no. He's my best friends. This is Charlie! Charlie can you say 'Hi Mike I'm Charlie'?"

Charlie became shy and spoke softly.

"Hi Mike, I'm Charlie!"

"Hey there buddy! It's great to meet you!"

He smiled while putting his hand up for Charlie to give him a high five. Charlie didn't hesitate. I taught Charlie high fives and everything. Even that hand game that I had played with Harry. Harry. Stop thinking about him brain! 

"Alright, well we're just off to Starbucks! Can I pick you up anything?" I said.

"Oh no, don't worry about it! Thank you, it was really great bumping into you again. We seem to do that a lot. Hopefully it'll happen again soon." He winked.

"Hahaha erm yeah. You too! Take care." 

And I walked down the stairs.


We got to Starbucks and ordered. People were staring. They still recognized me as Harry's past girlfriend. It was 3 years ago people I thought. But seriously, how do they still recognize me? 

Charlie and I sat down. I asked them to cut up his sandwich so that he could actually eat it. It was too big for him naturally. I took a sip of my coffee. I wanted to burst out at these people to stop staring. It was so annoying. And most of the time they were giving me dirty stares. Like what the fuck did I do to them? Then suddenly something caught my attention. A figure entering the door. No I'm just going insane. It can't be. He's just been on my mind too much. The figure entered the Starbucks. Oh. My. God. 

"Harry." I breathed.

He saw me and slowly walked over to the table. I slowly stood up. My eyes teared up.

"Sylvie." He breathed.

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