Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: The Funny Thing Is...

~Song This by Ed Sheeran~

The bar tender put out our drinks and I took a sip suddenly realizing that I was terribly thirsty and then realizing how strong the drink was. I put it down. I wanted to see this guys face but I really couldn't. He started to talk and was then interrupted by Nate.

"Oy, mate. Can you come here a sec?"

The guy turned to me.

"Will you excuse me a second?"

"Yeah, sure." I tried not to sound too disappointed that he was leaving.

As I was waiting I suddenly saw a familiar body come towards me. It was Julia. My heart leaped with joy. I most definitely needed her advice right now.

"Jules. Oh my God. I'm so gald you're here. Where'd you go?! You said you wouldn't leave? Never mind. I need your help."

"Help with what?! Haha you seemed to be doing just fine. Talking to the hottest guy here." And she winked.

"What?!" I said with confusion.

"All the girls on the dance floor were talking about you and I didn't realize it was you until I looked over to where they were talking about."

"Is that a joke?"

I just looked. I was beyond confused now. What the hell? Why were these random girls talking about me?

Julia continued,

"You remember that boy band from England? One Direction?"


"Well apparently, the studio Nate's interning at is where they do most of their recording."

 "Oh! That's cool, but what does that have to with ----"

 She cut me off. "Sylvie. You were talking to Harry Styles!"

"Again, is that a joke? That's not funny! Hahaha." I laughed nervously.

"Well I guess you could see for yourself because here he comes now!"

And she walked off. I tried to grab her arm so she could stay with me but she jerked away. Making sure I didn't grab her. Why was she doing this to me? She knew I couldn't flirt. And Harry Styles? I'm just going to make a fool out of myself. This was turning into the weirdest night of my life.

"Hello, sorry about that!"

"Don't even worry!" Realizing my voice squeaked a bit. Shit.

"I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name. I'm Harry by the way."

He said it with a smile. My stomach flipped. We had drifted closer to the bar light and I could now make out his face. This could not be happening. I stuttered.

"I'm, um…Sylvie."

"I've never hear that name before. It's very different, but pretty."

I loved when people commented on my name. No one in California had my exact name. It was always like "Sylvia" or "Silvi" or even sometimes people confused it with "Sophie". My name was French. It was something I honestly loved to tell people.

"Thank you! It's French." I said with a she smile.

And I took a sip of my drink. My throat burned.

"Well then it suits you just fine. France is a beautiful place and so are you…" He winked.

I almost choked on the coke and vodka going down my throat. I just about wanted to die inside. So cheesy I thought. But I liked it. Why was this happening? And to me of all people. I know I shouldn't question it. But why? He continued,

"Do you, um maybe want to dance?"

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