Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: What The Hell Is Going On

~Song Toothpaste Kisses by The Maccabees~



I decided this morning I was going to surprise Sylvie at her hotel. Yesterday while she was changing in the dressing room I went to buy her a necklace in Harrod's then I just bought some shirts to cover it up. Since she refused to let me buy her anything I thought I'd surprise her. And now that we bought that dress it's a perfect way to cover it up!

I'm hoping maybe she'll want to come down to meet my family this weekend. I haven't seen my mum since we got back and I want her to meet Sylvie. I think she'll really like her and I think it'll be a good chance for Sylvie to have a mother figure around for her. 

I arrived at the hotel and gave the valet my car. I was walking to the door and a little girl came running up to me and literally grabbed on to my leg. She must have been about 8 but very small for her age.

"Harry!! Harry!!"

"Hey sweetie. What can I do for you?" I smiled at her.

"Can you sign my notebook please? And can I have a picture?"

"Of course."

Not to make this sound weird, but she reminded me of Sylvie in the way she looked. She looked like the little girl version of her. With the freckles and the hazel eyes. She noticed me smile.

"Why are you smiling?!"

"Haha you just remind me of a very special person." I signed her notebook, "Here you go love!"

"Thank you so much!!" 

And she jumped a bit to kiss me on the cheek as I was bent over handing her the notebook. I was thinking of what Sylvie said 'Doing this means the world to them.' 

I finally got inside, got in the lift and no sooner then later I was at the door. I began to knock realizing I was really loud on the first knock so I made it softer. They might still be asleep I thought. 

"Just a minute!" I heard Sylvie call.

Then she suddenly opened the door and she was standing there fully dresses with makeup and everything. She looked like she was getting ready to leave. She had a bag in her hand. I couldn't see what was in it. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Harry!!" She gasped, "What are you doing here?!"

"I was just coming over to erm surprise you...Going somewhere?"

"Well, I was uh, coming over to surprise you!.." She pushed the bag towards me. "Here!"

"What's this?" I said as I was opening the bag and taking out all the gift paper. "You got me siily      stri--."

"SURPRISE!" She squealed.

And before I could say anything she took her hand from behind her back and was spraying me with silly string. Hahaha she was gonna get it.

"That's it! You're going down!"

"We'll see about that!!" 

As she said this the other girls came out to attack me with silly string. I was trying my best to rip the other cans out of the stupid plastic they were wrapped in. Why did the companies always wrap them so much! You can never get them open! One can finally broke lose, it was blue silly string. Perfect.

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