Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Mean Girls In Dressing Rooms

~Song She's Got You High by Mumm-ra~


"Sylvie, she was fucking gorgeous. I'm nothing compared to her. And she was so happy to see Niall.~Julia"

I had been getting texts from Julia about her run in to Niall's ex-girlfriend Kat. I just think she's over reacting just a bit. But I also understand why. If we ran into one of Harry's exes and she came up to talk to us I'd probably be really pissed too. 

"Jules, relax. Niall's with you and nothing's going to change that. She may be gorgeous but so are you. And you're exactly the type of girl that's perfect for Niall. Did he show any signs of being interested at her at all?~Sylvie"

I realized texting her were consuming up my time with Harry. But I honestly didn't care because I wanted to help her out. Harry was here and wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. I smiled to myself at that thought and he realized it.

"Why are you so smiley?!"

"Oh no reason. I just enjoy being here with you. And I'm sorry these texts are probably consuming up our time but Julia just seems so worried."

"Aw why, what's going on?"

"Apparently they ran into Niall's ex-girlfriend Kat at this shop."

"Oh, that must've been very awkward. Kat can be quite the frisky one."

"Well, she seems to have a boyfriend..."

"I doubt that will stop her."

"Oh, please don't be telling me this. This can't happen."

My phone buzzed with Julia's reply.

"No he didn't. I'm not really mad, I'm just a little embarrassed. And I just don't want anything to happen.~Julia"

"Jules, everything is fine. Don't over analyze this. Niall loves you. So just shut up and love him back! Hahaha I have to go and we'll talk more tonight! Love you!!~Sylvie x"

"You're right. I'm over thinking. And okay, love you too!! See you later.~Julia x"

I turned to Harry and realized where we were going. We were going into Harrod's. It's one of the finest shopping places in London. And very expensive too..I didn't save up enough to shop here..

"Why are we going into here?"

"It's Harrod's! You don't like it?"

"No, it's just super expensive!! I didn't save up enough money to shop in here!"

"Ever heard of being treated by your boyfriend?"

"Ever heard of being treated too much?"

"Well, will you just come in and look for me?"

"Fine. But I don't want to be in here for long!!"

"Hahaha most girls that come here don't come out for about 2 hours and you don't even want to spend a minute in here."

I just stuck out my tongue at him and went over to the women's section. They honestly had the cutest clothes. Like I was into all the leather jackets and jean jackets with spikes and they didn't have any of that stuff but they still had cute stuff. A lot of designer clothing. I decided it wouldn't hurt to maybe try on a few clothes but I picked the low price things so my expectations wouldn't be so high.

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