Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: I Contemplate Life A Lot

~Song Iris by Goo Goo Dolls~

It was 2 am by the time I got to the hotel. I changed out of my dress and washed my face. Wow. Did I look like shit or what? I had drank more tonight then I have ever in my life. I really wish I could be texting Harry right now. I wanted to be left alone for a while, but the loneliness was starting to kick in. I was glad that I had the Iphone 4s though. So if I did ever get his number I could actually talk to him. I laughed to myself. I'm so weird I thought. I plugged my phone in on the table next to my bed and climbed into bed. No sooner then later it buzzed. It was Julia.

"You okay? Thinking about Harry?:)~Julia x"

Hahaha, how did she know me so well? 

"Yes, I'm fine. Just in bed. And maybe;)~Sylvie x"

I all of sudden wanted Harry with me. 

"Niall says hi! And Harry says come join the party hahaha ;)~Julia"

"Hi Niall:) And Harry, come join my party.~Sylvie"

What the fuck? Did I just send that? Fuckity, fuck, fuck. What's wrong with me?!

"Hahaha Harry says gladly:)~Julia"

"Haha I bet he does.~Sylvie"

Just as I had sent the text another one came in. It was from a foreign strange number. Oh my God. Harry. I was hesitant in opening the text. I didn't want to look. What if it wasn't Harry? What if it was someone strange from the club tonight that I gave my number to on accident because I was so buzzed? Shut up brain. Shut up. Just open it Sylvie.

"I feel like a 5th wheel here...come save me?~Harry x"

"I'm sorry but my bodies a little too tired to move! Why don't you come do the saving?~Sylvie x"

"You've got it bad for Harry Styles don't you;) Hahaha~Harry x"

"Haha it seems that Harry Styles has it bad for me...~Sylvie x"

"Why didn't you really come over?"~Harry x"

"I'm honestly so tired.~Sylvie x"

"Let's be tired together?~Harry x"

I really want Harry to come over. Is this such a good idea? What if he has stuff to do tomorrow? What if it goes too far? I don't want to get hurt.....Let it go Sylvie. 

"Let me think about it..~Sylvie x"

Okay, I think I want him to come over. What can it hurt? Nothing. We just happen to be to young adolescents that met tonight through mutual friends and we want to hang out! There's nothing wrong with that. I waited for his reply. He took a little longer this time...

"You done thinking yet?~Harry x"

"Haha you're cute, it's only been 5 minutes!!~Sylvie x"

"Oh so now I'm irresistible and cute?~Harry x"

"I never said you were irresistible...~Sylvie x"

"But you thought it ;)~Harry x"

"Oh just get your ass over here already! Hahaha~Sylvie x"

"On my way :)~Harry x"

Oh my God. He's coming over and I look like shit. I ran into the bathroom. I looked at myself and thought, you know what, he should like me with no makeup on better than with makeup on and it'll be an excuse to keep the lights off. I smirked to myself and climbed back into my bed. 

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