Chapter 15

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  • Dedicated to Julia Coloso

Chapter 15: Spill The Details

~Song Thinking About You by Frank Ocean~


I woke up to the sound of someone pounding on the door. Who could it be? Julia had a key card to get it..I unlocked the door and it flew open. It was Niall.

"Where's Harry?!"

"He's asleep, why what's going on? Where's Julia?"

"Shit, we need to go. We have an interview that starts in 30 minutes. And she'll be right up, she wanted to get some food downstairs."

Harry awoke. He turned and saw me and Niall standing there. I'm guessing he's a heavy sleeper hahaha.

"Niall? Fuckin' aye. What time is it?

"It's uh 11:30 Harry."

Harry's eyes widened.


He jumped out of bed and ran to the door.

"I'll call you later babe!" 

And as soon as that, they were gone. Leaving me with the door slammed in my face. I understood completely. But if he knew he had an interview why would he come over in the first place? Whatever. I want food. I walked down to the breakfast buffet to try and find Julia. I noticed her getting a plateful of food. I laughed to myself as I thought, Niall's probably jealous that Julia's eating so much food without him. She spotted me and her face lit up instantly! 

"You dirty little hoe! Having him sleep over the first night?!?!"

"Haha oh my God. Good morning to you too! And NOTHING happened."

"Liar. You might not have gotten the D but you guys definitely kissed. I can see it in your face. You're too happy this morning. You're not a morning person." 

"Hahahahaha Julia!! Shhhhh!"

"What?! You know it's true."

I looked at her intently and just did a sighing giggle.

"I'm just gonna get some food." 

"Okay, but when you're done filling your plate you are going to come over to the table and we are going to talk about everything that happened."

"Well, you're gonna tell me everything that happened with you and Niall too!"

"Yes, yes, of course." She winked a very sly wink at me.

"Oh my God. You didn't Julia?"

"No!! I'm hurt you think of me in that way."

"Hahaha, oh shut up. You know I love you."

As I walked a little bit away she sort of said loudly with a wink,

"Oh, and good morning to you too.....Mrs. Styles!" 

Did she want me to be murdered?! Hahahah you've got to love her though. She's the absolute best.

I went to the table buffet to fill my plate up. They had just refilled everything. Perfect. Everything smelled so good. I needed a good breakfast. I technically hadn't eaten a real meal since we left for the airport. I mean there's airport food and snacks on the plane but usually they cost money. And I didn't want to spend it. 

I stacked my plate with a bunch of stuff. I got scrambled eggs, with bacon, and pancakes with syrup. I also grabbed some crispy breakfast potato things. They reminded me of my mums roast potatoes, she made them all the time when I was a kid. I was honestly starving. And right now I didn't care if people stared at me. I was going to eat what I wanted to eat. 

I walked over to our table.

"Fuck, I'm hungry."

"Hahaha I can tell. Now. Tell me everything."

"Haha, well basically he just came over. We flirted here and there, played that hand slap game and he started to tickle me. Then he turned and kissed me. Then he stopped and commented on my eyes. I giggled then I went in to kiss him. Then we just sort of fell asleep, me facing his chest and him facing me and we were under the covers. It was just really nice. I haven't felt that way in a long time."

"You really like him don't you?"

"I don't know!" I smiled and then continued, "Now, tell me about you and Niall."

"Hahahaha well I can tell you he's definitely mine right now. We didn't really do anything last night. We just talked a lot. He's really the perfect guy for me. I just don't know how to make it all work you know? We live like 2 million thousand bajillion miles apart."

"I feel you bro."

Julia laughed. Saying that was a reminder of all the stupid guys back home. Always going around saying I feel you bro or Bro, I feel you.

"Do you know what time their interview's done today?" 

I asked hoping Niall had told Julia about it seeing as how Harry neglected to tell me!

"I think the interviews over at 1 but Niall said they probably won't be out until 2:30 maybe. They're gonna run over some new tracks in the studio with Nate."

"So that means girl time?!" 

I said with excitement. I really needed to go shopping and we needed to go to the supermarket to buy food.

"Yes!! Let's do it! Let's call up Lily, she'll know all the hot places to shop!"

"Let me finish my potatoes. Then I will call.....Julia would you like some of my potatoes?" 

I said in one of those tones where my voice gets higher at the end of the sentence. Like I'm talking to little kids hahahha!

"Hahaha, wow. And is that a joke?"

She took a mouthful of my potatoes.


"What?!" She said with her mouth full of potato.

We both went into a giggle fit. This felt like it was going to be a good day.

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