‡{Purple and Gold}‡

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"Mmm, Arthur," I nudge at Arthur and give Sonya a cheesy grin, "don't ya think the new scyra dude is hot?" Sonya grins back at me, I give my attention back to Arthur. When my toothy smirk meets his red cheeks and open mouth, I burst out laughing. I may have a the stomach ache from the depths of hell, but I can't help but let out the laugh of the gods. I turn back to Sonya to see her reaction.

She...isn't smiling anymore.

I glance back at Athur, finding him in a more worried state than what Sonya appears to be in. I turn to Sonya once again, leaning closer to her despite feeling like something might burst from my stomach.

"Sonya, sweetie," I slide my hand on her arched back, "are you okay? You've been acting kind of odd since Aaron got hurt." She continues to stare at the sofa across from the three of us, she does give a slight reply by weakly shaking her head. I release all the air in my lungs, then glance back at Arthur.

"C'mere." Arthur stands up, then rushes away from the couches. The long haired scyra limps everytime he steps on his ankle, yet still having a speedy pace. Once he reaches the edge of the staircase, which is far from the fireplace, he signals for me to join him. I follow after him, looking back to Sonya every few seconds and clutching at my aching stomach.

"What?" I question him, wondering why he would leave Sonya by herself when he can sense her actual emotions. He looks down to his feet, frowning with both frustration and sorrow.

"I remembered a few things back there," his voice cracks, "the scyra that attacked Aaron was Sonya's brother. And I think Sonya and I are-" He pauses, looking back to Sonya for a moment. I turn my head to her as well. The poor girl has her head down, her soft cloak covers her body like a comfortable blanket. However, she's also gripping onto the inside of that thing so tight, it looks like it could cut off her circulation.


Arthur's broken voice interrupts my stare. His gaze over Sonya doesn't break when turn to him.

"Arthur? What do you mean?" I pull Arthur's over grown bangs behind his ear. His brown, almost red, eye and golden pentagram are revealed after I move his hair. Ever since I met this guy, he has always thought he couldn't ever find his loved ones because of his memory loss. He knows about his two brothers, Ayo-Aerial and Antontio, along with two of his cousins, Sam and Andrew. But that's all that I know of. Never before meeting Sonya has he ever mentioned her.

"Sam. That man that attacked Aaron was Sa-"

"Hey, how's life down there?" Tahain interrupts Arthur from the top of the staircase next to us. My attention is stolen by Tahain at the very sound of his voice echoing throughout the room. The cutie has a wide spread grin on his face. Ugh, he's even more adorable than the last time I saw him. "Aaron just woke up, he might come out soon." He happily steps down each stair, almost hopping.

Sonya stands up from the sofa to fully study Tahain from where he stands. He returns her attention with a shake of his hand in the air. Unfortunately, the sweetness of the moment is torn by my unbearable stomach. I crouch over, feeling pressure from my stomach all the way up my esophagus. I also have the taste of rotten lime filling my taste buds as bitter saliva fills my mouth. A jaw wrecking pain that leaves me to instinctively open my mouth practically stabs me under my earlobes. Then, out comes all of the cucumbers I ate earlier.

"Oh, dear god! Lyra!" Arthur screeches and jumps back as watery chunks of cucumber and blueberry muffins spill from my mouth. The puke plops onto the floor, leading to Tahain running halfway up the stairs to yell.

"Alec! We have a problem!"

From the hallway at the top of the stairs, another voices calls back. I can't make out what they're saying though. My pulse is blocking out my senses. The only thing I am really aware of at the moment is Arthur's arms holding me up from falling onto the, now, wet floor. I have my eyes closed, whenever I open them, everything looks blurred and in a haze.

After what I assume to be five minutes, I feel another pair of hands on me. Their cold fingertips caress my burmimg cheeks. "This is Lyra, right?" A young girl's voice comes to my ears, I assume she's the other being touching me. I push my eyes open to see her face, finding that she has chocolate brown skin and slick black hair. Her springy yellow eyes and dots on her face nearly glow next to her dark skin. Tahain answers her from somewhere, but I can't see him anywhere. I can't really see anything other than the girl in front of me.

"Should I take her to the chair or one of the couches?" Arthur's voice vibrates into my upper back and head from his chest. I make an effort to look up at his face, only getting the dark red tips of his hair in my face. I squeeze my eyes shut, squishing my face together as a flinch. Arthur not-so-gently drags me over to the sofa across from Sonya. At least he didn't just throw me into the cushions or something.

"Tahain, please put the fire out. It'll make her more nauseous." The dark skinned girl speed walks to my side, then ushers at the violet eyed scyra poking his head through her...wings.


I instantly hop up from the soft cushion and rub my eyes. I have to be imagining this, she's a quill?! I squeak, my hands seizing at the sight of the girl's sweetly brown feathers and lack of fabric covering her shoulders and legs. This is a real quill, I've never even thought I would have been able to see or meet one the angelic beings. I know I saw my friends with wings just a few hours ago, but this is a quill. Those people that are in the books and are often referred to as actual angels.

When I bring myself back to reality, I find everyone giving me wide eyes. The quill girl has her feathered ears pointed down in a position that insinuates fear and worry. Tahain, who is standing behind her and almost above her, looks nearly petrified at my unexpected tweaking.

"Sorry, um, you're a quill, right?" I go back to being neutral, trying to remove awkwardness from the atmosphere. From the left of the quill, Arthur lets out a chuckle. His genuine laugh leads to Tahain awkwardly laughing along with him, then the rest of us join in as well.

"That was an interesting series of events," I let out as a whine of laughter, "also, sorry for barfing on your floor-"

"It's okay, I'll clean it up." Tahain slows down his giggles to a sweet smile, then starts taking himself to the mess. On his way to the puke, Arthur gives the little guy his classic I really don't trust you, buddy stares. I don't understand why he would though. Tahain is so kind, not to mention he said that we could stay overnight if we needed to. A welcoming soul is a good one, making Tahain just as good as the rest of us, if not, better than us.

"My name is Alec, by the way." The quill brings her golden eyes to mine, holding out her hand as an introduction. I take her by the palm and firmly shake her hand. We exchange smiles.


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