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"Wakey, wakey!" A both familiar and unfamiliar voice comes to my ears. I open my eyes, blinking into focus to spot the two scyras from the bar. They peer over me, the larger of the two leaning on the couch that I'm laying on. The, um, dirty couch.

"I thought he had died there for a bit but I guess not. He's been asleep for over twenty-four hours." Josh laughs, playfully pushing Xavier on the shoulder. It takes a moment, but I realize that I probably slept with one of them. I hope it was Josh, he's pretty cute. However, instead of coming up to Josh's face for a kiss, my awful, random, muscle reflex makes a move. When I move my head up, it triggers the relfex. My arm swings up, slamming my fist into Josh's face. He then stands up straight, first, dumbfounded, then genuinely angry.

"Sa-Josh! Stop that! Calm the hell down!" Xavier whisper-shouts, referring to Josh's excessive huffing and glowing silver eyes. For a moment there, it appeared as if Josh was growing. Now he looks like a giant compared to a minute ago. I pull my torso off the cushion to sit up, finding that the once nearly five foot scyra is now about six feet tall.

"Holy-" The word spills from my mouth but then the rest of the expression never come out. Both Josh and Xavier bring their attention to me, Xavier grins.

"Heh, he doesn't know what your powers are. That probably spooked him." Xavier brings his eyes to Josh, who is slowly shrinking back to his previous size with his eyes closed and brows furrowed. I let an awkward smirk form on my face. I don't know what emotions to express at the moment. "Josh can grow and shrink, he also can turn your emotions into literal energy. It's both totally sick and terrifying." He goes on to explain, getting a slow nod from me.

"Anyways, why did we find you completely knocked out in the bathroom at the bar? Like, you were bleeding a little bit from the nose and everything." Josh relaxes himself, sitting down beside me and showing confusion. I try to bring my mind back to the last time I was awake. All I can remember is ditching these two to go to the bathroom. When I had gotten to the bathroom, the floor was slippery, but beyond walking into the restroom is forgotten.

"I dunno, I mean the floor was wet. Maybe I slipped and fell on my face." I shrug it off, not really caring about whether or not I may have given myself a concussion. I scan the room, spotting my bag and jacket both sitting on a fold-up chair in what appears to be a low-budget dinning room. Now that I've paid attention to this place, I can definitely sense that these two young men have little to no money. The carpet looks like a mucky brown and the furniture is just dirty. Although, they are somewhat tidy. There's no sign of them being total slobs or the type to give up on an attempt to look decent. There's nothing just laying around, it's just old and stinky.

"Then we better check your pupils. Xavier, get me something to shine in his eyes." Josh urges, I find myself unreasonably anxious. I don't want them to trap me here if I have a concussion. "Grayson, do you have a headache or anything like that? You might have a minor concussion, bud." He goes on and I shake my head despite the weak migraine I have. It's nothing, really. I'm just dehydrated.

"Here." Xavier tosses a metal stick with a strange bulb on the end. I scoot away, leading to my back slamming into the armrest of the couch. Josh immediately notices my reaction to the odd device and waves it in a not-so-gentle manner.

"It's just a flashlight dude, not a torture device." He then presses a button, and the bulb begins to emit light. I find myself reassurring myself in my head, but I still hate the idea of that thing being anywhere near my flesh. Josh moves it closer, but as it gets to about five inches away, the light diminishes completely and what looks to be sparks of electricity spew out of the metal stick. The energy from the device seeps into my skin like invisible ink on paper. All three of us go silent. What the hell just happened?

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