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The chime sounded, signalling a customer. I felt particularly happy today with an unknown reason. The weather was also happy. The sun was shining but it wasn't that hot. I could smell the fragrance of the flowers inside the shop and it made my day better.

"Mrs. Augustina! What a pleasant surprise. Are you here for the flower arrangement you ordered?" I greeted the customer.

She smiled, "Oh yes, dear Haidee."

"Wait a second, I'll go fetch it for you." I told her and searched for her order.

"You seem quite happy today, Haidee. Who's the cause of this joy?" Mrs. Augustina asked with a smile.

I finally found her order of flowers which was a mixture of blues, violets, and pinks.

"Oh no one, Mrs. Augustina. I just woke up feeling good, that's all." I replied as I gave her the basket of flowers.

She smiled once more, "Thanks for the arrangement. Tell my regards to your mother for me."

"Sure. See you again, Mrs. Augustina!" I said as I waved goodbye.

Another customer came in. He was wearing a black suit and was holding a pocket watch.

"Good morning, sir." I greeted with a smile.

He put the pocket watch back to his pocket, "Good morning. The palace wants new flowers to be delivered later for an urgent and important event."

What event is urgent and important to have flowers delivered this afternoon?

I nodded, "Sure, sir. What kind of flowers would you like?"

"Roses. White and Red roses." He replied. "The payment will be delivered as soon as the flowers get to the palace."

I nodded, "How many do you need?"

"About 50 each." He replied as he looked at the time in his pocket watch again. "Deliver it by 1 in the afternoon."

I nodded and he left immediately. I looked for Mom inside our little room in the shop.

"Hey, mom." I greeted, "The palace wants 50 white roses and 50 red roses. Also Mrs. Augustina said thanks."

"Sure, honey. Go arrange those ones for me." She said and pointed to a soon-to-be flower arrangement.

"But, mom. The palace needs those roses by 1." I told her.

"What?!" She exclaimed and looked at her watch. "Oh dear. The roses here are insufficient. Go pick some roses at the garden."

I nodded and proceeded to the garden. I took the roses while humming a song. I didn't feel the thorns of them as I got them.

Once I got the roses, I returned to the shop and removed the thorns. Mom helped me as soon as she was finished with her arrangement.

We finished our tasks before lunch time. Our father, and my four brothers went inside the shop holding our lunch. We ate lunch together like we always do.

"Honey, why are there a lot of roses in here?" Dad asked mom.

"The palace ordered it." She replied.

"Ah," Dad agreed. "Then it must be for the engagement."

"What engagement?" I asked.

"The crown prince has been engaged to the Italian princess for the alliance. But if you ask me, they look in love." Austin, my eldest brother, replied.

My third brother, Atlas, snorted. "Well in my opinion, it looked like they were itching to shout at each other."

Xavier, ever the peaceful one, tried to stop them. "Come on, Atlas. Don't look at it like that."

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