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The way to the Dining room was silent. I gulped when Celestiana giggled lightly. William nudged Tony and whispered something. Tony responded with a glare to which William laughed at.

"Seriously though, why were the two of you singing?" Celestiana asked barely containing a laugh.

Tony and I looked at each other and told each other 'You tell them'.

In the end, both of us refused to answer.

"Why aren't you answering?" Celstiana asked with a smile.

Tony sighed, "It's embarrassing."

William raised his eyebrow at his older brother, "Why would singing be embarrassing? Both of you have good voices."

I took a deep breath and looked in front of us, "It's not about our voices. It's about what we were singing."

"What were you singing?" Celestiana asked.

Tony coughed and pointed at the big doors, "We're here. Let's discuss this later."

Celestiana rolled her eyes but obliged and entered the room, William following her.

Tony cleared his throat and gestured inside the room, "After you."

I entered the dining room with Tony on my tail. I sat down on Celestiana's spot which was facing Tony.

Lunch began once the queen placed her napkin on her lap and we followed her. The food wasㅡas expectedㅡdelectable. And that was just the appetizer. When we went to the main course, I was almost full that I barely had space for dessert. Which reminds me, the dessert was the best food in today's meal.

After eating, Tony escorted me back to Celestiana's roomㅡI mean my roomㅡand sat down on the bed.

"So, how about let's start working on your Italian?" He suggested.

"Gladly." I said.

"Do you know any italian words?" He asked.

I paused to think, "Well, besides madre and padre, I know ti amo means I love you."

He nodded, "Correct."

"I also know Ciao." I stated.

"Those are simple words, if you ask me." He said.

I snickered, "Yeah. You don't need to rub it on my face."

He laughed, "Sorry."

I rolled my eyes at him but he was actually entertained at that.

He cleared his throat, "Well, let's start."

He taught me basic greetings and other italian stuff. He corrected me once I said something wrong. Sometimes he just laughs at my accent. He frustrated me but seeing me frustrated just fueled his entertainment.

"Before I forget, Celstiana also knows how to play the violin." He stated.

I groaned in frustration, "Why does she have to be so talented?"

He laughed at my misery, "Don't worry. I'll teach you. How about let's go to the music room?"

I nodded, "Let's go."

He offered his arm again and I put my hand on it as he escorted me to the music room.

The music room was gigantic. It had a piano in the middle and other instruments were carefully placed around it. Tony got two violins from the ground and gave me the other one. We removed it from it's casing.

"Do you know how to position it?" He asked.

I nodded, "Luckily, I'm not that much of an amateur once it comes to music. I can read music sheets."

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