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I entered my room with a wide smile and eye bags, but I didn't care. I decided not to sleep because I felt like if I slept I won't be punctual for breakfast. Besides, I doubt I could sleep with my heart beating rapidly.

There were still a few hours before breakfast so I got the violin that was placed inside my room. I put it to my shoulder and let my chin rest on it. I gripped the bow and played every feeling I felt.

I felt ecstatic. I felt loved. Sure, I was loved by my family but that's a different kind of love.

The door opened abruptly. Georgia, Vivianne, and Hannah entered. Then they all saw me awake. They literally had their mouths open.

I laughed at their reactions, "Good morning to you too."

Georgia was the first one to snap out of it, "What happened? Why are you already awake?"

I shrugged, "I've been . . . preoccupied."

They shared a smile and didn't ask anything.

"I'll go prepare your bath." Hannah said and walked to the bathroom.

Georgia approached me and examined my face then she sighed and shook her head, "Why were you awake all night?"

I blushed, "I couldn't sleep."

Vivianne rolled her eyes, "Come on. Tell us what happened."

I sighed, "He took me to a late night snack and we watched the sunrise together. That's all."

"That's all?" Vivianne mocked.

I rolled my eyes, "Yup."

Georgia shook her head, "I need to cover up those bags."

I smiled sheepishly, "Sorry."

"The bath is ready!" Hannah yelled from the bathroom.

I was pushed to the bathroom and my clothes were stripped from me. After taking a bath, I wore my robe and went to Georgia so she could put make-up on me.

After that make-up session, Vivianne made me wear a floral pink day dress. It's sleeves went up to my elbows and it fit my body. The dress' skirt was a pencil-typed one. I wore the pink 4 inch heels that was open-toed.

After all necessary preparations, I went down to the Dining Hall where everyone except me and Tony were settled down and eating.

I approached the table and curtsied to the royal family, "Good morning, your majesties. I apologize for my tardiness."

Queen Eadlyn smiled and gestured for me to sit, "It's quite okay. At least you're more punctual than my son." She said and shook her head.

I smiled and sat down. I placed the napkin on my lap and began placing food to my plate. Claire nudged me to get my attention.

"We were so scared a while ago!" She whispered, "We thought he was really sending you home!"

I chuckled, "I told you I wasn't."

She smiled, "And I'm glad that you were right."

The door opened and Tony entered the room, "Sorry for being late, mother."

The Queen stared at his son, "A Prince is never to be late, understand?"

He nodded, "Yes, mother. I apologize."

He sat down at his seat and ate in silence. Some were chatting and some just enjoyed the food. I was the latter but it turned to the first one as Celestiana whispered, "I'm willing to bet my kingdom that the two of you were together last night."

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