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This is the first time all of the Selected were appearing in The Report. I've always watched them shooting it but I felt jittery when I was on my seat and waiting for it to start.

Beside me were Julianne and Claire. There were 31 girls left, Oh, wait. 30. Samantha, a girl I never had the chance to talk to, was sent home yesterday.

Beside Julianne was Harriet and beside Claire was Christine. We sat on the second row to the front.

In front of me was Beatrice and beside her was Carmel, Harmonia, Gayle, and Violet. Seeing that Beatrice was in the middle at the front told us that she wants all the attention.

Julianne wore a golden gown and her hair was styled in an updo. Claire wore a violet gown and her hair was also in an updo. Harriet wore an aquamarine gown that was a sweetheart type and her hair was styled into curls. Christine wore a green gown that matched her eyes. Her hair was styled into a crown braid.

In front of us, Beatrice was wearing a white gown with golden designs. It looked like the gown that Celestiana wore once on The Report. Beside her, Carmel wore a hot pink gown. Harmonia wore a purple one. Gayle and Violet both wore blue gowns.

"I'm so nervous," Julianne stated and held my hand.

"Me too, but we are required to do this." I replied.

"Cheer up, ladies. If Sebastian asks us a question about the Selection, I'm sure we can answer it!" Claire said optimistically.

Christine sighed, "The four of you already had a date with him and I haven't."

"But you will be with him tomorrow, right?" Harriet asked to which Christine nodded.

The royal family entered the room wearing a royal blue gown or tie. They rarely wore color coordinated clothes. The Report started once the national anthem played. I held Julianne's and Claire's hand and they held Harriet's and Christine's.

The Queen made some announcements about how everything was going and now, the lights were turned to us. We sat up straight and gave smiles.

"Now, the part where everybody's waiting for, the updates on the Selection!" Sebastian exclaimed, "Prince Thornton, how is the Selection going?"

"Well, Sebastian. I believe it's going nice. Although I haven't had a date with ten girls."

"Who are your favorites so far, your highness?" Sebastian asked.

Tony paused for a while and smiled, "Well, I've thought of a few."

"Tell us!"

"Well, I believe the selected know who I'm talking about." Tony stated and glanced at us.

"Well, how about it? Let's start the interview!" Sebastian exclaimed and Violet was the first one called.

"Lady Violet! Have you already been on a date with the Prince?" He asked.

Violet blushed, "Yes."

"Could you tell us the story please?"

She went on about playing a song together in the music room. She played the guitar while Tony played the piano.

"Do you think you are one of his favorites?"

"Well, I don't think I am in all honesty, but that's because I've only been on one date with him. But I do think I have a chance." She answered.

She went back to her seat and Carmel was interviewed. She said she already went on a date with him and she thinks she's one of his favorites.

Beatrice followed her. She sat down on the chair infront of Sebastian, "A pleasant evening, Sebastian."

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