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Like suggested, we hung out at Harriet's room before dinner. Harriet let the others borrow a dress from her to get out of the red dress they were wearing.

"I'm so glad I'm not wearing that dress anymore," Christine said and sat down on the bed beside me.

Julianne walked over to us and sat down on my other side, "So am I."

"It wasn't that bad." Claire said.

Julianne rolled her eyes, "For you. We can't handle those dresses."

"I honestly liked the design of the dress," Harriet confessed and she high fived with Claire.

"How many are left again?" Julianne asked.

I shrugged, "18?"

Christine nodded, "We're still a lot."

"Not that I'm complaining, but I want this thing to be over." Harriet said.

"So do I, but I'm scared of what will happen." Claire replied.

"I'm afraid too. If I go back to Clermont, all eyes would be on me. I'm not even sure if I can get a singing career when I go back." Julianne stated.

"When you come back?" I asked, a little confused, "Not if?"

She shook her head, "I know I'm not going to win. I don't have a chance."

I tooke her hands and looked her in the eye, "Julianne, you have much of a chance as everyone here. Don't doubt yourself."

"Haidee's right." Claire said, "It's not over until it is. Don't go jumping to conclusions."

"We'll never know. One day, we might look up to you and wait for your royal decrees." I said and winked.

She laughed and shook her head, "I know you have much more of a chance than I have, Haidee."

I rolled my eyes, "Like I said, we all have equal chances."

"I agree with Julianne on this one, Haidee." Christine stated, "Now that we know that you had a little something with him before, you have a bigger chance."

I sighed, "So what if I spent time with him before you? He might have feelings for you too. He might even forget me."

"What if he doesn't?" Harriet asked.

"Then he doesn't." Claire said, "It's that simple."

I smiled, "Que sera sera." (What will be will be)

Christine shared my smile, "Whatever will be will be."

"I know this song!" Claire exclaimed, "Our future's not our to see."

"Que sera sera," Julianne continued.

"What will be will be," Harriet stated.

"Great. Now let's make a promise." I said, "Whatever happens, whoever wins, we'll support them fully."

Claire smiled, "Agreed."

The others muttered their agreements and soon, we laid down on the bed and just talked about random things and avoiding selection-related topics.

No matter what, I won't let the selection ruin our friendship.

"Are you ready for The Report tonight? Because I am certainly not." Christine stated.

"Oh, right." I said, "I forgot about it."

Harriet had wide eyes, "Oh god. The session tonight would be our second interview!"

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