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I wore the uniform required for us, the white blouse and the black pants, and wore the bougainvillea flower crown on my head.

I put lip balm and lip gloss on my lips and left my face bare. I put on the heels that I wore yesterday which were thankfully white and matched my blouse.

I left my room and saw my family waiting for me. We all walked out of the house when we heard all the screams and cheers from outside our house. I took a deep breath and walked towards the mayor who was giving a mesage.

"Everyone in Angeles cheer for our candidate! Give her strength, courage, and charm to win the Selection! Give applause to our beautiful candidate, Iole Haidee Eudora!" The mayor announced as I walked towards him.

He gave me the microphone and told me to say something.

"Hello, everyone. Thank you for your support! I'll do my best to bring our city glory! Being here is surreal," Not really "But thanks to all of you, I have gained courage to face the trials ahead! Thank you people of Angeles!"

I went to my family and kissed them goodbye and made one final wave and entered the car that brought me to the Palace.

I came late since it was just a few minutes drive to the palace. So when I saw the girls who were already there I thought I was a little too late. There were already about twenty girls in here and a lot of make-up artists were running about. Cameras were filming everything and some were interviewed.

"Come here!" The woman who always changed the hair colors of Celestiana and I said.

I followed her and she made me sit down on a chair and she talked to another girl and that girl approached me.

"What would you like us to do with you, Lady Haidee?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Should we make you look daring? innocent? girly?"

"Oh, just make me look like me." I replied and she nodded.

"Blue would be a nice color for your eyes. Would you like contacts?" She asked.

I shook my head furiously, "No, sorry."

She nodded, "Okay, then. Let's get started."

She called another girl and the two of them did my makeover. One of them was doing my make-up and another was doing my hair.

"What color would you like for your nails?" The one who was doing my hair asked.

"Oh, sorry. My mom doesn't like me wearing nail polish." I answered.

She nodded, "Then we'll just clean your nails."

"Okay." I replied.

The other one finished my make-up andshe did my nails. Once my hair was done, the girl left to fix another girl.

Then a camera suddenly was in front of me.

"Can we do an interview?" The girl asked and I nodded.

"Name?" She asked.

"Iole Haidee Eudora."



"So far, What do you think of the other girls?"

"Um, I haven't met anyone yet since I live close by."

She nodded, "Do you think you have a chance with the Prince?"

"I think I have much of a chance as the other girls do."

"So what kind of girl would you like us to portray you as?" The girl asked.

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