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"Haidee! Wake up!"

I groaned as I scrubbed my eyes awake. I was about to tell Georgia that I'm awake but than I remembered that I wasn't in the palace.

I frowned but I quickly changed it into a smile, "Coming!"

I tied my hair up into a ponytail to look presentable before leaving my new room. I was at home, well my new home, but home nonetheless.

Our family already moved to the house that Tony provided and it was simply magnificent. He also fulfilled his promise of giving houses to the homeless. The first time I came here, I thought I was in another neighborhood with nice houses side by side, in front of someone else's house but, Xavier opened the door and enveloped me in a bone crushing hug.

I saw my dad at the head of the table reading a newspaper. Austin was on his right. Atlas wasn't home yet but he said he's coming back in the afternoon. Xavier was helping mom put the dishes on the table. Vince was in the living room watching tv.

"Haidee, get Vince. He hasn't moved since he sat down there." Mom ordered.

I walked to the living room and observed my cute little brother watching cartoons. I smiled at the sight. I really missed him. Then it hit me, cartoons? We never bought that channel. Then I remembered Tony. He must have been the one behind this. My smile grew wider.

"Vince, come on. Breakfast's ready," I told him.

He looked at me innocently and raised his arms up, "Carry me."

I laughed and scooped him up in my arms, "Woah, you're getting heavy." i told him.

He laughed, "I'm not. You just got weaker."

I pinched his nose, "Did you miss me so much that you made me carry you?"

He pouted and nodded, "You were away for so long!"

I smiled, "Well I'm here now."

I walked to the dining table with Vince in my arms. I placed him on his high chair and I sat down beside him.

There were guards stationed outside our house for our safety. The other Elite were also sent some guards but they didn't know the reason why. Unfortunately, I know why.

Mom sat down on Dad's left. I was in between mom and Vince. Atlas's seat is usually on Austin's left but since he's gone, Xavier took his place.

We started eating that was accompanied by the usual chatter. I really missed my family, but I also missed the palace and the royals.

"Haidee, do tell us what you've been up to." Mom said.

"Well," I started and shrugged, "I don't know where to start, honestly."

"Start with your friends," Austin suggested.

I smiled, "They're great. It's amazing, really. We're still friends until now. The five of us stated until the elite."

"All of your friends made it to the elite?" Mom asked.

I nodded, "I'm so thankful for it. They defend me from the other girls."

"What do the other girls do to you?" Austin asked and tried to conceal his protective tone.

I shrugged, "Insults." and physical pain. But I won't tell him.

"Do your friends know that you stayed in the palace before them?" Xavier asked.

I nodded, "I couldn't keep it from them forever."

Mom's cooking tasted like home and it was nice, but the palace food was definitely nicer. However, I still ate it happily.

"Now tell us about the royal family," Dad said.

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