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Our lunch was delivered in Julianne's room.

"So, since the prince consort wanted Haidee to sing, Let's have her sing the first verse and we'll act as back-up singers in the part 'And you're always free' until 'you'll never leave'." Julianne suggested and we agreed.

Julianne was surprisingly strategic. She made us sing the whole song first before assigning parts. She said something about our voice should match the song.

"So, if it's okay, I'd sing the 'You and I will always be' then both of you would back me up in 'celebrating life together' Then I sing the next line. Claire will sing the 'love is like a melody' then Haidee and I will back you up in 'one that I will always treasure' then you sing the next line." Julianne said.

Claire and I always just nodded. Julianne knew her music. After talking about what we'd do about the song, we arranged a practice tonight. Claire and I left Julianne's room and went back to the mini ballroom.

"Everybody's here now. Ladies, go to your seats, please." The instructorㅡwho introduced herself as Rinㅡordered.

Claire and I sat at our seats. The music started and Tony approached me, bowed, and held out his hand with a smile. I smiled back at him as he led me to the middle.

"I heard that Dad wanted you to sing tomorrow." He said.

I nodded, "Yup, but I told him I'd be singing with friends."

He smiled, "Don't want the spotlight only at you?"

I laughed and nodded, "Yup. You know me so well."

He smiled wider, "You bet I do." Then he spun me towards his father.

"Hello, Haidee." He greeted.

"Good afternoon, PrinceㅡI mean Father." I greeted with a sheepish smile.

"Who are you singing with tomorrow, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Claire Venice and Julianne Evans. They have lovely voices."

He smiled, "Don't worry too much about the crowd you'll be performing to. Just enjoy singing with your friends. Although I'm positive the crowd would love your voices."

I smiled, "Thank you."

After the practice, We all gathered to Rin who had some announcements.

"Your majesties, As you know, Princess Celestiana will be wearing a white gown and Prince William will wear a black suite. As a contrast, the ladies shall wear black gowns and the gentlemen white suits. Here are the clothes that you will wear."

I took the gown with my name on it. It had a vintage touch to it. It was an off-shoulder illusion ball gown. I had the same dress with the Queen and Claire. Celestiana's gown was almost like a wedding gown.

"Haidee, since this is a secret, are we supposed to change into this gown just for the dance?" Claire asked as she gave me a black mask with silver designs.

I nodded, "Probably. I'm sure our maids made us a gown."

"Good luck tomorrow! I'm sure everyone would look dazzling." Rin said as we walked out of the door after a quick wave.

Claire and I went to our rooms. I saw my maids fussing over a dress.

"Hey, what's that?" I asked.

"It's your dress for tomorrow." Vivianne replied.

I approached them and gasped when I saw the dress.

"It's beautiful!" I said in awe.

It was a navy blue sweetheart ball gown with a court train and lace.

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