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The next day, I pretended that my head ached so I took all of my meals in my room. I also refused any visitors.

I was acting childish, I know. But can you blame me? He started it.

I spent the day just sitting down on my bed or looking out on my balcony. I didn't want to play the violin because it reminded me of him and I was scared I'd break it because of these emotions.

I didn't want to go out of the safety of my room. I was getting bored but it was better than seeing him.

I tried a lot of things inside my room. I tried doing my own make-up and hair. I tried all of the gowns and dresses in my wardrobe. I practiced ballet. I practiced singing. I even talked to myself in different languages.

This lasted for two days. On the third day, when I was taking breakfast, the door slammed open.

I stared at the person in shock. Along with her were three other people.

"I can't take it anymore!" Claire exclaimed and ran to me.

I looked at Julianne and Christine to ask for help but it looks like they were on Claire's side.

"Why aren't you attending anything?" She asked. "We gave you space! But this little act lasted for two days! Everybody's been saying you've been sent home! Gayle and Irene were cackling with glee!"


"Haidee! What's wrong? You know we're here for you, right?" Julianne said.

"You wouldn't understand," I stated, and frankly, I don't want them to understand.

"Then make us understand!" Claire exclaimed.

I looked at my food, unable to look at them, "It's complicated."

"To hell with complicated!" Claire yelled.

"Haidee, I thought we agreed with no secrets?" Julianne said.

I was ashamed of myself. I can't explain to them what happened because if I do, I'd have to explain that I pretended to be Celestiana and I was almost going to marry Tony.

"It's really complicated." I said.

Christine put her hand on my shoulder, "Haidee, please. We're your friends. You can trust us."

"But it's because of the selection." I stated.

"So? Who cares about this stupid competition?" Claire said.

"I-I," I took a deep breath, "I know I can trust you guys but I also know you have feelings for the prince and I can't just tell you what happened."

"Haidee, please. Just set aside that fact! We can help you." Harriet told me and sat in front of me.

Should I tell them?

"Would it be really okay?" I asked.

They nodded. I took a deep breath.

"Don't tell anyone." I said, "As you know, I was here before all of you. And I was supposed to be married to William. You also know that he had a secret relationship with Celestiana who was the ex-fiancee of Tony."

"Tony?" Christine asked.

My cheeks flushed, "I mean Zeke. So anyway, that's the part where eveything gets complicated." I took another breath, "When I came here, Celestiana, William, and Zeke went to my room and discussed things."

"What things?" Harriet asked.

"They revealed to me the relationship of Celestiana and William. They told me that I should switch places with Celestiana since we looked alike." They gasped, "Of course I didn't agree at first but Celestiana and William really loved each other and I didn't like anyone so I thought, what's there to lose? I agreed. I pretended to be Celestiana the whole time I was here before you."

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