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Chapter 4

'Okay,Aria let's talk.'That's when everything stopped,I realized I should tell someone so I don't risk hurting myself without knowing...and tell my family that I'm alive.

The question is how do I do that?

"Aria...Aria?Are you okay?Aria?"She asked reaching for my knee.

"Y-Yeah...Just thinking."I reply,Is canary the person I should tell or a member of the team who may remain clueless?

"Care to share?"She asked,Was it her job to ask the team questions?

"Not really."I answer.

"Okay then,Let's talk about what you've been doing.Aria,You're a good kid,You should know you able to talk and we'll listen.Will you tell me what's wrong?"

"'You're a good kid?'I'm not a dog,You say it let you're prising a dog.And why do you think something is wrong?Nothing's wrong!"

"Aria,The tone you have tells me that something's bothering you.The way you act makes you a liability to the team.I'm trying to help you,but if you don't let me help I can't do anything.Please tell me what's wrong?"She said,I know she's right,I mean I definitely am a liability with the way I acting.I could be so absent minded that me or another team mate gets hurt of worse,someone could die.I would be able to take it and would probably quit the team,and my emotions would trigger my powers and that would end in chaos.

"I know I should,I just don't know how...I mean,what I'm thinking about is something no one knows about.When people find out I'm afraid they'll make me go back there..."

"Aria...You never talk about your past,If you were to talk about your past someone might be able to help you figure things out."

"I don't think that anyone could help me figure it out.If anyone could it would be Flash or Kid Flash,But you see how they act around me,a breacher.They're afraid of me I don't want to give them another reason."

"Aria,you not giving anyone any information is going to scare even more.You are going to get hurt or hurt someone lse if you don't talk to someone.Let's make a deal,you think about it and then when you know what you going to say and who you want to say it to,I'll get them in a room and you can talk,just as long as you think about it."
"I agree with that.I just have no Idea of who would make the right choice with the information...Wally and Barry wouldn't give me the time of day,Nightwing would try and fix everything,Artemis would be nice but Wally would get mad at her for talking to me,Kaluder I don't know well enough,Miss.M would try and make everything better and believe it's easy,when it's not or she would baby me.Everything about this is confusing."I say sighing and falling back on to the chair.

"Maybe things aren't easy because people think you can handle them and believe you will ask for help."

"I think I tell..."

Two Worlds Meet And One Crashes Down(Avengers-Young justice crossover)Where stories live. Discover now