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A few hours later

"Hey Nightwing.Mission?"I ask,as he walks into Canarys room.He couldn't talk to me earlier because he had to do a mission befreiung and then go on a mission.

"It went well,I heard that you decided to talk to me...Why?"He asked sitting down in the chair across from where I was sitting with my writing journal.

"If I talked to any of the other members they would constantly tell me to tell someone with more authority or just tell someone themselfs and I don't want anyone making me explain it more than once.And if someone else were to explain it then they would tell it wrong and miss say stuff and then nothing would make sense to anyone."I finish off,while writing the last part of my daily letter I write to my family.

"Are you ready to tell me?Or are you just going to write in your book?"He asks, know that he was just trying to lighten the mood but that hurt.

"I'm not going to tell you."I start,"I'm going to let you read."

"Read?"He asks.

I hand him the book and start on the first page of the journal that I started the day before the bombing and I just let him read.

"Stop when you get to the page before the last."I say and he nods.I get up and walk out of the room to get something to read and drink.

Nightwing POV

Aria hands me the book and walks out of the room.I look at the first entry that looks like it was written by a little kid about 4 years old.

"My name is Aria.I am 4 and ¾ old.In my family I have my Mommy,Daddy,Sister and Brother.My brother and sister are 8 years older than me.My brother is older than my sister by 12 minutes. Their names are Pietro and Wanda.We live in slovakia,russia.I'm writing this because I'm bored and I'm trying to learn how to write.Wanda is helping me spell.I have to go now,Mom is making supper."

The entry date was rubbed off,so I went to the next.

"I haven't said anything in a while,sorry.But with the recent bombing in slovakia that killed my parents I didn't feel like it.Me and my siblings are fine now.We were trapped under My brothers bed watching the bomb for about three days.We were moved into an orphanage that doesn't treat us right.Pietro and Wanda are telling me that they want to leave,so tomorrow me,Pietro and Wanda will run away.Or at least that's what they say."

She ran away with her siblings?What does she mean by 'they don't treat us right'?Back to reading.

"Me and my siblings got out of the orphanage.We now live in the streets,of a broken place we call home.My siblings join into rights.I don't think that's how to spell it but,i'm 4,it's not my fault.Bye the police are coming."

The police?What did she do?

"I'm 5 now and my siblings have signed us up for experiments.I haven't gotten my powers yet like my siblings have.My siblings signed us up because the people told them that they could make us powerful,My siblings want to be powerful so they can take down the person who made the bombs.But,I know for a fact that the person who built the bomb didn't send the bomb to destroy our home.It was stolen,I'm the only one who seems to care and know what's happening around us."

Her siblings signed her up for experiments?Trying to be powerful?What's happening around her?

"I'm 8 now and the people who I found out are call HYDRA agents are getting very angry that I haven't found my powers yet.My siblings are call the twins and are also call strucker's prized pupils,And I have been call nothing but experiment and my name.The experiments are about to start I have to go."

She had powers when she was 8 and she was on our earth.

"Apparently I found my powers...But now I don't know where I am...Let me tell you what happened,The HYDRA agents took me to the lab.Everything was going as normal and then I blacked out,I woke up a few minutes ago,in an ally by a street in a completely new outfit,I have no idea why I have a new outfit but I like it.I'm going to do what me and my siblings did when we lived on the streets."

This must have been before the league found her.

"Today was a very..interesting day to say the least.I found out that the theoried multiverse actually is real.Everything here is different,except hero vs villians,different languages.What I find hard is that my home doesn't exist.Anyway I have to go back to the streets...To steal food.I hate this,But anything's better than HYDRA.Everything would be better if MY twin was here,but he did by being chased by HYDRA agents.Or so we were told.He was a speeder like Pietro,I doubt that HYDRA could catch him.And I don't believe a word they say,for all I know he IS alive.But it's not like I could find out anymore."

Aria has or had a twin?What happen to him?

"Today was different than all the other days.Why?You might ask.I meet the superheroes of this earth,who I hate.Again you might ask why.They dragged me to the base they have.They asked me a lot of questions and I decided to be stubborn and tell the truth at the same time.I could tell they didn't ask eveything that they wanted to because I was a child.They were surprised that I didn't know what the thing the bright light and lots of buttons was.I wasn't going to tell anyone anything I didn't want them to know,And what I didn't want them to know was where I lived and how I survived."

How would she survive in a way that we would hate?She was telling the truth when she said it would mean her death.

"Today they told me to show them my powers so I did as asked afraid that they would be like them.I started calling HYDRA them because I don't want to remember my past.They seemed amazed with the powers I learned I had while out on the street.They say that I should join the team.Whatever 'the team' is doesn't sound fun to me,I like being alone.They ARE the adults here with more authority."

She didn't want to join the team?

"Today I met the members of the young justice team.I liked Artemis but Wally didn't like me.I don't care if he does or not.But the long I'm here the more I will probably want aprovel.He says that I'm a breacher and that I can't be trusted,I know that he has problems but does everyone need to know?"

She didn't care for Wally at the bening?

"I haven't written in years,I know.I'm 11 years old and I'm writing because I'm worried and don't want to go into my old habits.I have to tell one of my team members that I have a past like I do.I'm going to make sure that no everything will be involved.I don't need them involved in something that would hurt more than help.My siblings aren't dead.My twin is probably dead.My siblings still think I'm dead.I visit my earth every so often and My siblings are now heros after almost destroying their world."

Aria's life is messed up.She should tell her siblings she's alive,if she doesn't feel converdable to tell them alone any member of the team who love to see another earth and many would love to support her and her family.I'm going to have to tell Black Canary,Aria is going through a lot and will need help and definitely will talk to someone about telling her siblings.She is allowed to ask for help anyone is,asking for help doesn't make you weak it makes you stonger.You can admit when you need help and then you'll do better in what you need help with.

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