Part 10

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Ishita was little surprised "Gone, just like that. Wow I didn't think she'd give up that easily. Did you see her before she left or did she sneak off in the night?"

Raman hesitated. "Do you really me to answer that or can you be happy knowing she's gone ?"

"Why don't l like the sound of that ?" Ishita braced herself "I don't want any more surprises. What happened the last time you saw her?"

Raman sighed "well here goes nothing" He thought. "She's going to be furious." "She showed up on the doorstep and made a pass at me to try and get me back."

Ishita saw red "Shagun showed up in my living room and then tried to seduce you, is that it?"

"Something like that."

Flashback — 3 months earlier a few days after Ishita left
Rama arrived home after a brutal day at work where everything had gone wrong. Now he found himself sitting in an empty living room listening to the rain pound on the roof. He thought how he used to like nights like this. If Ishita had been here he'd have taken her off to bed along with a bottle of Fruit Champagne and they'd have spent the evening making love.The doorbell rang interrupting his thoughts. When he opened it he found Shagun standing in the rain.

"Aren't you going to invite me in? It's really coming down." Shagun didn't wait for an answer and pushed herself inside.

Raman shut the door "what do you want Shagun ? I'm really not in the mood for company."
Shagun completely ignored what Raman said and plowed on. "You shouldn't be sitting around all by yourself. It's not good for you. I thought I'd come and cheer you up." While she was talking Shagun took off her rain coat revealing the very short, very tight and very trashy fire red dress she was wearing. "I heard about Ishita leaving. I can't say I'm surprised."

"I don't want to discuss Ishita with you." Raman went across the room to the bar to pour himself a drink. "Say what you need to say then get out."

"Ok, but I think after you listen to me you might not want me to leave." Shagun followed Raman across the room "Raman I want us to work on putting our marriage back together."
Raman nearly choked on his drink "You want us to do what! Are you insane? In case you've forgotten we're not married anymore and fortunately haven't been for a very long time."

Shagun reached across the bar and tried to take a hold of Raman 's hand. "I believe we really had something good between us and we could have that again if you would just let go of this sham marriage you have with Ishita and concentrate on us." Then she came around the bar and tried to put her arms around Raman 's neck.

Raman jerked back from her. "You have totally lost your mind. Let me explain this to you very slowly so that you will understand it. I don't want you, not now, not ever. The only woman I'm interested in is Ishita and the marriage that I have with her. Now get out! And go find some decent clothes to wear. You look like a tramp in that dress."

Shagun was furious at Raman 's rejection. "You are pathetic you know that. Ishita left you but you're still clinging to her skirts by osmosis hoping she'll come back. Well guess what she's not! If you want to sit around here and keep feeling sorry for yourself and dreaming about that little Behenji instead of considering the possibility of us being together then fine, do that!"

Raman was now heading towards beyond furious "I'm warning you Shagun I've never hit a woman but I'm really considering it if you don't get out!"

Shagun grabbed her bag and ran out the door slamming it behind her.
End of flashback

"Mihir came a couple of i later and he told me that Shagun had left town that same night." Raman paused and waited for Ishita 's reaction.

To be continued...

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