Chapter 12 : The past

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(Ink Rose pov)

I sighed " Rosepie doesn't pretty much like telling about that. And it's because of my so called death." I said and she stayed Quiet.

~~~~Le Flashback~~~~

I was always stuck on him and we can't even left their group so I decided to end my life.
"Purple And Rosepie come here now!" Nightmare said and we went closer to him.
"Yes boss." We both said.
"Go and kill someone and I hope this time you won't fail at this task." He said
"We promise we won't fail you boss." Rosepie said.
"Now kill this person ok." He handed us a photo of a girl that looked innocent she had a hat that looked like a wizard one and her shirt is also like a wizard and it's in a different Au again. It's PanickTale. (A/n : Yes that is my Au)
"Yes boss." We both said as we teleported in PanickTale and hid onto the trees branches and.
"So how are we be able to find Her?" I asked I dunno but we hope we don't fail him once again."
"Wait we are going to betray him right?"
"Maybe. I guess I dunno." She said as her face blushed into blue and purple on his cheek bones.
"You had a crush on right?" I asked and her blushed became even deeper.
"Ah hah! I knew you had a crush on nightmare!"
"Just shut up soon I'll know who is your crush too."
"As if you can do that." She crossed her arms and pouted.
"Hmph. You're right." She said
"Heheh You know I am always right."
"Wait...I can sense something." She said, she looked at the snowy place and saw the Girl walking out of the big purple and pink door.
"That's our cue." She whispered
"Ok then I'll go first and after that you'll go next." I said and she nodded. This is the greatest opportunity for me to had an accident. I jumped down suddenly the Girl turned around.
"Hello there human." I said
"Who are you." The girl said
"It doesn't matter about my name since...y o u a r e g o i n g t o d i e a n y w a y." I said as I smiled in a creepy grin she started shuddering in fear. Until I sensed a sans right behind me so I stopped the time and made a look a like me, after that I hid somewhere not noticable and continued the time.
"W-what d-do ne-need anyway?" The girl stuttered and the look a like me chuckled deeply.
"Simple...I just wanted your soul." The look a like me said in a creepy way and the Girl was about to cry until.
"Heh I wouldn't do that if I were you." A different sans said and he had a gaster like scar except that it's only on the right one also his right eye socket is closed, his clothes had looked like a jacket except that it's a bit longer and he look a bit like epic sans except that he had a cross on the left side of his jacket and the color of it's jacket is Bluish red I think.
"And who do you think you are?" The look a like me said.
"Heh the names Ghanz but you can call me sans if ya want." He said
"Well sans if you would excuse me I'll go and kill this stupid glitch but before her, you're going to be the first." The look a like me said as she summons a daggered like bones and shoot at ghanz. But he dodged it easily.
"Heh, nice try but you can't even hit me. And now it's my turn." He said, he summoned his bones and his gasters too and he pointed it at the look a like me but she just dodged it easily.
"Nice try trash bag but you can't even hit me with those gaster blasters of yours." She said as she summoned a gun that is more if a gaster blaster looking. She aimed it at ghanz and shot it but he only dodged it.
"Nice try kid but still, you didn't hit me." He said as he summoned his bones on top of her but she dodged it, suddenly her soul turned blue and he moved her closer to him.
"Never mess with my au kid." Suddenly his right eye opened and it's glowing in a purple and blue color.
"Get dunked on kid." He suddenly shot a bone on top of her. And my look alike turned into dust.
"N-no..." I heard a soft wimphered on the tree branch I looked up and I saw Rosepie was about to cry. She suddenly teleported away. I looked at the dusted me and the cops are already there investigating it and ghanz is answering all of the cops questions and I just teleported out and hid in the Ruined city (a/n : idk what place so I just putted a random name). I stayed there and live there.

~~~~A Few Years Later~~~~

I now lived in snowdin city and I bought my own apartment right next to the police station and that is now where I work. Since the so called death of mine worked I am now free and start a new life. And I had new friends tho I missed my old ones. And I know that was Years ago but tho it was quite nice to be free, while I was walking to my office I bumped onto someone and that someone looked like Rosepie but her outfit is a police one until I noticed that it really is her and of course I knew her powers but why is she here?? I didn't asked or tell anyone about her coming inside the station.
"O-oh sorry pal. Here lemme help you." I said and Rosepie just stood there quiet. I heard her mumble something but I didn't heard it so I let it slide for a while when I turned around and grabbed my hat and when I turned around Rosepie is already gone I was confused. 'It must be my imagination right?' I thought as I kept on walking to link's office until I bumped onto someone again.
"Oh! Sorry ink." A deep voice said
"Ink?" I asked
"Oh...oops I must've mi-steak-en your identity uhmm...." He asked
"Oh! I'm ink rose but you can call me rink." I said
"OMG rink are you ok." Ari said. Suddenly I felt someone by someone I mean his/her magic but this person's magic is the same as Rosepie or maybe it's her.
"Yeah I'm ok." I said as I kept on thinking about that weird old same magic.

~~~~End Of Flashback~~~~

I sighed deeply as I still remembered all of those past times.
"Look I am sorry that I left you and phoenix alone but did you escaped from the hands of him?" I asked and she slowly nodded.
"And that is the reason why phoenix hated me now..." She said a bit louder.
I sighed " Fine I'll help you but it is only because you're my friend and I needed our ship to sail." I said and suddenly Rosepie changed emotions at first she was sad and now she was already happy jumping up and down.
"YES YES YES YES YES YES I Knew you we're going to help me!" She said excitedly
" I regret agreeing with you again." I said but I just let out a sigh.
"So where should we go?" Ari asked
"You should go to reapers home and wait for us over there got it." I said and they both nodded.
"Now come on." Rosepie said as we both teleport into nightmares castle. 'I think I should change rosepie.' I thought and she just nodded.
"Ok then lets go to your home first." She said as we both teleported out and teleported into my apartment. I went to my closet and grab some of my criminal clothes on. I sighed as I looked at my clothes. 'It always reminded me of at the past.' I thought.
"I know but we just need this ok. We are helping phoenix too." She said
"Ok then, I'm just getting used to this clothes of mine anyway." I said and she nodded as we both teleported into nightmares castle again.
" you still had a crush on nightmare?" I said his name and her face turned blue and purple a little.
"A little I guess since he just laughed at your death tho I am not in love."
"Your blush says it all." I teased and her blush turnedna bit deeper.
"Stupid blush." She mumbled as we both went inside of nightmares castle.

1478 words is is good or not? Hmm....idc anyway I hope ya'll love this chapter and thank you for 600+ reads it really is mice of you readers for making it like that high. Also I think I didn't make that into a cliffhanger but meh, anyway thank you for readimg this book I really appreciate it and can we make this up to 1k+ view if we did then we will add some 2 characters in here and I meant the readers of who likes to join in the story and there will be a new someone too but anyway hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter now have a fabulous day/night!

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