Chapter 6 : Trouble Makers

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(Erased pov)

While I was on work I saw reaper and he seemed to be troubled lately I walked towards to him.
"Umm hey reaper." I said as I waved at him.
"Oh! Hello erased what is it." He asked
"I am just wondering...why do you seemed...Troubled lately?"
"Well it's just that Geno is having some trouble lately an-"
"OMG! There he is come on ari!" I turned around to see rink and ari and I know what is that look at rinks face and it means there's ship and they both are kind of a shipper especially when it comes to rink when she just feels something she already knows that there will be a shipping scene.
"Oh hey rink and ari." I said as i waved my hand to them
"Oh hi erased I can't wait to tell you that!" She said excitedly(I am becoming blueberry sans). Oh boy I know her a lot and this means there will b-
"I will ship Afterdeath!!" She said while she's jumping up and down like crazy I looked at reaper and he is blushing madly in a bluish color.
"Look reaper is blus-"
"Shhhhh."before I could say it he just shushed me.
"Are you afraid that someone noticed that your blushing?" I teased him and he look at me and he blushed in a dark blue color and he is trying to hide his blush but it only made me laugh.
"Eeeeekk I knew it you are in love with him." Ari said while rink and ari are fangirling right now.
"Ok,Ok just pls be quiet." He said we gave him a lenny face and he just blushed so much. And we laughed at reaper that look like a blueberry right now.
"You really look like a blueberry when you are blushing madly." I said and it made him blushed more.
"Can you pls be quiet! And also how did you know that I have feelings on him?" He questioned and then rink brought out his phone and showed the picture to us. And it made us both laughed harder and while reaper is blushing madly.
"W-who p-pictured t-that!" He said while hes blushing
"Oh while I was in monstergram (I wished that there will be a monstergram in real life), I was just exploring and exploring all of the pics,until someone updated and it says afterdeath for life and I got curious from what it is so I decided to look at and I saw this one and when I saw this it made me fangirl so much." Rink said
"Aww...why didn't you shared this to us." I said
"Oops...hehe I forgot sorry but I'll share this photo right now." She said and while she is scrolling down to the monstergram and she shared it to me and ari in monstergram.
"Yaay thanks Rink."
"No problem."
"Can I borrow your phone for a while rink." Reaper asked
"Sure thing." She handed the phone to reaper and he looked at the photo and he seemed to be blushing we started smirking until he saw something he blushed even more.
"Here you go I don't wanna see another ship between me and geno." He said while he's giving rinks phone back and aslo he's still blushing and he turned around and left the three of us.

(Reaper pov)(lets see whats in his mind~)

I am still blushing as I walked out and looked at my phone to see another update in monstergram I got curious what is it I looked at the picture and it made me blushed more I started screaming inside me and teleported to home and also...who is that trouble maker?

(While at Geno's pov)

I was reading something untiI heard someone banged the window I knew that it was R-pie but it's not only her my old friend is also here and R-pie seemed a bit excited I opened the window and she started screaming like crazy. I covered my non-existent ears because it is making me deaf.
"Whats with the noise!" I shouted
"Ok,Ok...I was stalking you two as always,I joined her in too and she had an idea,she said that 'what if we post this on monstergram' and it made me smiled a bit I pictured you both plenty of times and she was right, so our picture became viral! Wanna see?"
"No I don't wanna see me and him are being shipped." I said as I pouted while I crossed my arms.
" look adorable Imma take a pic of you like that." She then pictured me and send it to monstergram I was kinda pissed of at her. And then she look at her phone in shock.
"OH MY GOSH! Your picture became insanely viral!" She said as she shows the picture at me
"What the heck!" I said in shock.
"You know that I ship you both right." I looked at Ck and she gave me a lenny face.
"Why are you against her you should be defending me more than teasing me." I said
"Aww...come on you two matched perfectly so why hide your feelings to him." Ck said 'tho she has a point why bother hide it anyway?' I thought but good thing that R-pie was distracted at the ships of me and of course reaper.
I sighed as I sat on the couch and relaxed my body for a while.
"Oh shoot someone's here! Lets go Ck!" R-pie said as she teleported out.
"Ok wait for me!" She said as she teleported out the house too. I heard the door opened and I saw reaper blushing in a dark blueish color.
"Hello blueberry face why are ta blushig?" I teased him and he blushed even more ( I think reaper has become geno and while geno has become reaper XD). I started laughing at him its because of his reaction.
"Can you shut up for a while!" He said a bit annoyed by me.
"If ya say so blueberry." I teased him again and I know that R-pie is videoing this or taking us pictures. But I always ignored them so he won't notice them.
"Ok then if your calling me blueberry face then your nickname will be tsundere~" He said and I blushed a bit.
"Don't call me tsundere you Baka!" I said angrily
"Whatever...also I've got a question for someone watching us?" He asked
"No why did'ja asked."
"Because I saw some of the pictures in monstergram and that is in my home and this." He showed me the picture of me pouting while I was crossing my arms. And it made me a bit annoyed at them. 'I f**king hate you R-pie!' I thought as I kept on looking on his phone.

(R-pie pov)

'I f**king hate you R-pie!' He thought.
"Meh I don't care atleast your lover can see you how cute you were." I said a bit louder so that reaper won'tnoticed us.
"You can turn invisible right?" Ck questioned
"Yeah why?"
"Well why not picture them while they're talking Because I can see Geno's face blushing right now." She suggested.
"Hey that a great idea ck!" I said after that I made myself invisible to picture Gebo and Reaper can't believe my ship will sail.
"Oh umm...well I-It must be a-another..." Geno said while he's blushing madly.
"Another what?" Reaper questioned
"I-It's nothing never mind."
"If ya say so tsundere~"
"D-Don't call me that b-baka!" He said while his face is filled with blush and it made me scream a bit loud.
"Huh? What's that sound." Reaper looked around in his house I covered my mouth to stay quiet 'stupid,stupid,stupid' I thought as I hold my mouth to stay quiet.
"Umm...what are you talking about reaper?"
"Did you heard it?"
"Heard what?" Geno said 'get the f**k out of the room or else you're doomed!' Geno thought and I nodded and left outside the room.
"So did you get any pictures?" Ck asked
"Don't worry I know a way to get a great picture."
"And that is..."
"By pushing reaper and make them kissed." I said
"That a great idea R-pie! But I got a problem." Ck said
"What is it?"
"How can we do that?"
"Hmm... how about when reaper gets closer to geno and then I will push him so that we can see the couples kissed after I pushed him you'll have to picture them ok." I said
"Got it." After that she brought her phone out and readied her camera. I made myself invisible again and went closer.
"Hmm...I guess no one's here." Reaper said as he walked towards to geno. 'Yess this is my chance!' I thought as I followed him walking closer to geno and while he's walking I pushed him and it work they both kissed I started taking pictures of them after that they both blushed and this is a perfect picture I kept on taking pictures
On them and I can't help but fan girled so reaoer and geno heard me.
"Uhh...whoops." I said but good thing they can't see me.
"Who's there show yourself!" Reaper said I stayed quiet.
"R-pie!" Geno shouted and that made reaper turned to him.
"Umm...why are you shouting R-pie for a second." Reaper questioned.
I sighed "Really Geno?" I said and that made reaper startled a bit. And he looked around trying to find me but I kept on smirking.
"You know that R-pie is invisible right?" Geno said
"Be quiet geno." I said a bit loudly
"Who's R-pie?" Reaper questioned
"Oh she i-"
"Shhh" I walked closer and shush him so that reaper wouldn't know what is my name.
"You know what geno lets go before your lover finds out who I am." I said and it made reaper blushed a bit and we both teleported out of reaper's room.
I teleported him to reaper's backyard.
"Where are we?" Geno asked.
"It's a secret." Ck said
"Ck your here!?" He said in shocked
"Yep I'm here to stalk you two lovers and also R-pie can you pls. Bring Geno back to his lover."
"I am not his lover!"
"Yeah,yeah I know your not but soon you will~" Ck said while she's giving geno a lenny face.
"Why does Life hate me so much." He said
"Ok I'll put geno back to his lover and I'm sure that he misses his lover very much." I said and I teleported inside reapers house.
"Hey reaps your lover is back we don't wanna ruin your couple bonding so here ya go." I said as I was pulling geno to reaper
"Let me go R-pie!" He said while he's blushing.
"Never I will not let my ship sink." Suddeny I heard the door opened and I saw Ck opened the door and helped me pull geno towards to reaper.
"Ck I thought were friends!" Geno said a bit disappointed.
"I am your friend we just wanna see this ship." Ck said

(Reaper pov)

While I am completely confused right now and I'm just watching Geno and his 'friends' playing around.
"I am your friend we just wanna see this ship." Ck said
"Why did you betrayed me!" Geno said and it made me smirked a bit because of his cuteness.
"We didn't betrayed you we just want to see the ship,so do this as a friendly favor pls." Ck said
"No never now let me go or else this raper kills me!!"
"Thats it I had enough of your whines." R-pie suddenly pulled geno to me.
"There ya go now one last thing." R-pie took a picture of the two of us and suddenly they both disappeared.
"R-pie you are such a trouble maker!!" Geno shouted angrily
"Hehehe I know I am."


2020 words yes also thank you for reading this book and hope ya enjoyed this chapter.

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