T'Challa x Male Reader| Allergies

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Aye lmao enjoy this story of randomness it is a male reader so yeah.
Please let me know what kinds you guys may like if I keep doing this thanks and keep on reading!

Y/n has been sneezing constantly without reason, ever since he stepped into Wakanda and it has been catching T'Challas attention a bit. Y/n was sitting on the large king bed having a box of tissues near by just in case. T'Challa was at a meeting for something important, and he was bored like bored out of his mind as he sat up on the bed waiting for his boyfriend to come back. Y/n strained his ears as he had heard footsteps outside of the door. The door creaked opened slowly as T'Challa stepped in and closed it behind him. At that the door close and Y/n grabbed a tissue and sneezing loudly, this caught the kings attention as he chuckled "Still sneezing?" He asked walking away from the door.
Y/n snorted as his eyes watched him, "Yeah." Reaponding an idea came up in his head, with a grin he spoke "But, I think I found why I'm sneezing."
T'Challa was looking outside the large window in the room "What is it? He questioned.
"A Black Panther." Y/n said with a sarcastic voice, as he sneezed again into another tissue. "Is that so?" The king chuckled turning his full attention to his sneezing boyfriend, "Too bad you may be sneezing for a long time." T'Challa walked towards the bed with a grin.

It's short and sweet lmao hope you liked it XD

Such a cock block

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