T'Challa x male reader| Second Meets

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Your locked up again oof

Wonder why?

Y/n sat in the cell as time passed. He could not hear anything at all, the camera was moving but every 15 mins. Yet it didnt have the same movements like it did last time he was confused why he was thrown back in this cell he did nothing wrong right?

With that thought he heard voices outside the door, they were faint though. Speaking different language as well, it went silent the camera started moving with more life as if looking for y/n. It landed on him, "ah I see your still awake!" It was a different voice than the other, this one sounded younger.

"Wait what time is it?" He asked.

"Its almost 11 am?" It respond

"Damn.." y/n thought leaning against the wall.

"You seem pretty bored, and very tired."

"Sure am."

"Wanna get out?"

"Get out of-" he was cut off by the door opening slowly no one was in front of it.

"Walk down the hall to your left than stay there!" The voice than stopped and the camera stopped as well.

Y/n got up and ran out the door, as he rounded the corner he heard footsteps behind him, but faint.

But the loud yell made him almost tripped, "THE PRISONER HAS ESCAPED." It was one of those women guards he hated.

He stopped after a while, he was panting heavily after running for more than 10 mins. Y/n felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned quickly grabbing the hand only to see a young girl surprised ad he was.

"Good grief, could have killed me." She said saricasly.

"I'm gonna die." Y/n panted as he heard loud footsteps running down the hall.

"Shit, come with me!" She grabbed his arm as they ran down the hall hopefully avoiding the guards.

Y/n and this girl panted heavily as she closed the door to her room he had assumed, as she fallen on her bed with a groan.

"God damn, they are really after you."

"Yeah I wonder why?" He scoffed sitting in one of her chairs.

"Very funny."

Y/n rubbed his face groaning, the girl was quiet. He looked over to see she passed out, he looked at the clock on her desk seeing it was past midnight.

He huffed trying to get comfortable in the seat, his eyes had wondered to the door as if it open any min. There was a silent knock, y/n tensed as he looked for a place to hide. He saw the closet, he sprinted in quickly closing the door behind gently not to make sound.

The entrance to her room opened as a familiar voice called out.

"Shuri?" It was the king.

She groaned loudly at the sudden noise of someone speaking. "What?" She responded.

"The prisoner Y/n has escaped, you wouldn't have seen him have you?" He asked walking into the room, closing the door behind him as he did so.


"You sure?"


"Than why were you running down the hall with him?"

It was silent in the room, Y/n didnt dare to move in that closet.

"And your the only room in this hall, so it seems he is in here?" He started walking around, as Shuri got up, "are you really blaming me?''

"Where is he than hmm?"

"I dont know!"

"Than I shall look in here."

"HEY." he heard a slap, she slapped her brothers hand away from the closet door.

"Its called privacy?" She sneered.

"Than why dont you open it up?" He asked

She hesitated, her hand slowly reached for the handle to the closet.

It was tense, y/n could sense it. He thought of a plan that may the the worst thing he had ever done, the door creaked open slowly.

The siblings saw nothing only darkness and clothes of Shuris liking, the king scoffed turning back ready to leave. Only feel a force of weight on his back, he fell forward in a tumble as he turned the tables putting the force into theground, seeing it was y/n. His face was red as he was under the.. handsome king, shaking his head mentally trying to pushing the king off of him. The king kept putting his own weight on the prisoner.

"Brother stop!" Shuri shouted pushing her brother off quickly.

The king stood up, his eyes full of anger as Shuri stood in front of Y/n. "He did nothing wrong!"

"He was just apart of something he thought he never be in."

"Get out of my way Shuri."

"No I wont-" she stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Shuri, its fine.." y/n said walking past her, standing in front of the king with his head down.

They walked out of the room in silence, Shuri was shocked watching them leave.

It was close to two in the morning, y/n was tired ad he had to walk a long time back to his cell. He kept wavering a bit, he was very very tired. He kept bumping into the king every serval minutes.

"You seem very tired." The king spoke noticing how y/n posture.

"Yup.." he mumbled

"Think you can make it?"



Y/n stopped, slapping himself to stay awake. He blinked before catching up back with the king but still at a slow pace.

"Nice strategy to wake yourself up." He chuckled.

"Shut it." Y/n scoffed rolling his eyes.


Good day


T'Challa x male Reader Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now