T'Challa x Male reader|The escape

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How long you have all waited, Your friend Mitch has gone missing. T'challa has tried and failed you twice, some matter must be handled on your own...


It has been a few days since your breakdown with T'Challa, you sat in the dark bedroom. Anger building inside but yet you kept it in and away from others, you looked at the black bag that was full of your clothes, money, and whatever you need. In your hand sat a blood tip knife with a tiny chip in your other. They placed it in there when you were prisoners and luckily with Shuri who located and asked you wanted help but you denied.

Taking in a deep breath, as you grabbed the black bag heading out for the door of the bedroom. Only leaving behind a knife, your chip, and a tiny note.

You were able to escape the palace but by the skin of your teeth. Seeing one of the elders walking with T'Challa and speaking throughout the halls, though he seemed to be not listening to the elder as if he was listening to something else... But he turned his attention back the elder and kept talking. Causing you to sigh quietly and make your way out.

Now close to the hanger with all the ships not being guarded tonight for some odd reason. This was perfect almost... to perfect? Y/n took his time and precautions as he made his way towards a ship, clutching the bag's strap closely to his chest. He stood in front of the hatch that would lead to his escape but something in his gut told him just stop, turning his attention back to the darkness that wasn't hit by the dimish lights of the hanger. Y'n felt his heart began to race, as his eyes darted across the place "scaring your self for nothing." He thought to himself moving away from the vehicle. He stopped in his tracks hearing something again, It must be one of the Dora Milaje who followed Y'n here to see what he was doing. But this person was more... of teasing him, moving around him as to test Y'n's ability to sense the person or being. For god sakes, its dark out only the dim lights of the hanger was the only source to keep you not from pissing your self!

Taking a deep breath, you held your composure. Something flickered out of the corner of your eye, the lights were flickering quickly "Oh for.." without even finishing the sentence the lights went out one by one. Your breath hitched at the last light underneath went out, the only thing that could be heard was your beating heart and humming below you from the mines. "Swear to god.." You whispered under your breath.

A sudden pressure on your shoulder caused him to freeze up, "Swear to god what?" the familiar accent spoke out slow with a hint of something Y'n couldn't pick up. Turning himself back around he saw the oh famous king standing there with a smirk played across his lips with a bit of playfulness in his eyes. His attitude changed quickly though, as his eyes narrowed and a frown replaced the cute smirk. "What are you doing out here?" T'Challa asked.

"I'm- I'm leaving to find my best friend, something that a simple king cant do." Y'n's attitude also changed as he brushed past the King.

There was a sudden force on Y'ns arm tugging him back in front of him, "I told you I would handle it my self Y'n." The King hissed.

"Seems like you cant." Y'n snapped tugging at his arm.

Feeling the grip get tighter, he stopped moving only to bit his lip at the tightness. "And look what you have done to yourself," T'Challa said harshly pointing out the tiny hole in the back of Y'n's neck where the chip once laid in before. "Could have cut a blood vessel open."

"So what!" The other male glared into the Kings eyes.

This had pissed off the King of Wakanda more as he tugged the other male closer, close enough Y'n could feel T'Challa's breath. "Your acting like a child." He hissed, "I told you over and over again I would handle the situation with Mitch but yet you don't ever listen."

Y'n stayed quiet, still glaring at T'Challa. The two stared each other down in see who be the one to speak.


The two returned to the Palace late at night, Y'n following T'Challa a bit close. His was still angry inside only for it to build back up as they made their way to the destination that the King had in store for him. The halls seemed very familiar, these were towards the bedroom? If anything Y'n didn't feel tired one bit, more or less he was full of rage and adrenaline. They stopped in front of the same old doors that led to the chamber, he glanced up at T'Challa seeing his blank face as he pushed the door open. He entered first before Y'n, he followed after.

Y'n was about to say something, but he kept it in. T'Challa stopped near the bed that had laid the item Y'n had left behind before he left, "Y'n come here for a second..." His harsh tone still played out, feeling his heart begin to race again as he slowly made his way over to him. "What..." He asked with a questionable look. "Sit on the bed," T'Challa's gaze finally turned towards him, with a hint of worry swirling in them. With a sigh, he sat on the bed the other male sat next to him. "Let me see your neck." He spoke with a slight gentleness to it.

Rolling his eye's he turned his back to T'Challa, pointing to the tiny hole that was in the back of his neck. Feeling his fingertips on the back of his neck made his spine shiver as they were so ever close to it, but it turned into a sharp pain as a tiny bit of force pushed into the wound. After a few seconds, Y'n went to reach for it only for his hand to be held by the other male "Do not touch it..." Something else made Y'ns spine shiver as he felt a pair of lips kissing the spot.


HEY HEY HEY ITS BEEN A WHILE, I HAVE NOW MADE A CHAPTER OF EVERYONES FAVORITE PANTHER! But with a little cliffhanger! Will it be lewd next chapter or just a simple kiss and they talk about their feelings once again in bed and go to sleep?


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