T'Challa x male reader| First Meets

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Oh how you meet this handsome guy la oof

Y/n was watching the news, as his phone began to buzz. Picking it up answering it, "hello?"

"Y/N, YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS!" His friend Mitch screamed into the phone as his laptop made a ding noise, he went to seeing the email and the amounts of links attached to it.

"They all link up to where maybe, Wakanda is at." Mitch said sending another email full of pictures of black panther but were blurry, "I believe this guy as well is connected to Wakanda some how."

"This is good stuff, but isnt it late for this kind of stuff?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean we be the first actual people to go there."

"Uh huh, let me know if you can get a plane to it."

"Oh dont worry already got one."

Y/n blinked.

"You got one?" He asked

"Oh yeah, we have to leave in the morning like early." Mitch responded. "Cya tomorrow morning!" With that he hung up leaving Y/n dumb founded.

Y/n and Mitch walked up to the small black plane, with small backpacks but Mitchel was holding a rather large black briefcase. "Hold on," Mitch said walking up to the guy by the plane.

He unlocked it and showed the man, as he grinned. "This will do kid." He said with a ruff voice taking the briefcase and throwing it in the plane.

"Here we go to Wakanda!" Mitch said with glee as he stepped on the plane, Y/n followed his friend.


The plane ride was smooth, but it was bothering Y/n. Mitch acted like this was nothing and was passed out snoring due to waking up early.

"Eager to find Wakanda?" The pilot asked.

"Yeah, very eager."

"Ever heard of vibrameni?"


"Huh, thought your little friend would ha e said something."

"What is it?" Y/n asked.

"Its a very strong type of metal, and very expensive too."


"Damn indeed."

The plane began to shake a little, the grip of the pilots to the steering wheel became tighten "I think we are getting shot at." Pilot said with a serious voice.

Shaking Mitch to wake up. He woken up with a groan as the plane shakes violently as it began to lose altitude, "SHIT!"

Mitch tugged on a part of a wall that had parachutes, as he put it on along with Y/n.

"Bastard give me one!" The pilot snapped as he kept trying pulling the plane up, with a silent shot his head fell forward as they lost more air, Mitch had just killed the pilot.

"Let's go!" Mitch snapped kicking the door open and jumped out, Y/n followed after him jumping out as the plane crashed into a blue shield causing it to slightly open letting some plane in.

They landed on the ground the parachutes covering them.

"that was AWESOME." Mitch shouted as he took the parachute off and put his backpack on.

"That was dangerous we could have died dumbass!" Y/n shouted back at him doing the same thing.

"Come on live the exciting life, we are here now well outside Wakanda" he pointed up the blue shield the plane crashed into.

T'Challa x male Reader Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now