T'Challa x Male Reader|5 years

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That name was engraved into y/ns mind as he pace back and forth, it's been two months since that bastard... snapped his fingers.. and caused hell for millions who had survived the power from the gauntlet, very little of the population of Wakanda remained.

From the great powerful he had once ruled with the man of his life, his love... T'Challa...

It's been two months since his other half was vanished from earth, the king of a Wakanda, Shuri was also gone but yet the queen had remained of the true royal blood.

Y/n havent talked much with those who remained in the future like city, not even the old queen her self. Okyoe and the Dora Milaje had survived along with many of the border patrol survived though W'Kabi had been also gone.

He stared out window that showed the kingdom trying to thrive with half of it's people gone along with its culture.


It's been two years, since that day.

Y/n has been in contact with Natalie about anything new from the Avengers HQ over the time but nothing has changed. Nothing has been done other than Thanos death by Thor, Y/n wanted to come and challenge the monster who killed his love...

But couldn't, as he had to run the kingdom the best he could with Ramodona. And with those who had lived.


3 years has passed.

The kingdom and earth its self it's running almost fine now, though many still cannot move on from the fact many of the people they know or loved, y/n is many of those but he is coping with it.

Along with his mother in law, Y/n has been able to leave to room more often with each day.

It sometimes feels nice to leave the room full of happy, sad, and many other memories. Nodding at the Dora milaje with a fake smile he walk along taking a glance out of the large windows so often to his kingdom.

Though he paused for a moment, as his eyes studied the city carefully. Though his thoughts were interrupted by a loud meow. Turning his attention to the noise, the cat from long ago, they had brought the two closer.

Lil'T walked across to his owner meowing for Y/n attention and love, with a soft chuckle he bent down to see his beloved cat.

The black cat brushing himself against his owners leg awaiting for a pet, and his wish was granted as Y/n began to pet the soft cat fur. With a smile of peace.

Lil'T purred with joy still brushing against Y/n touch.

Looking back out once more into the city, he began to think once again.

4 years

Wakanda has been running more smoothly now, with the population so far. Ramodona has been doing well also but she had gotten sick though with the technology this kingdom holds she would be fine.

Y/n was also fine, though running it fully in his own was a first time and a scary time.

Y/n walked down the hallways of the place he now calls home, his eyes wondering to each movement he thought he could see only for it to be his imagination. His eyes played many tricks on him of the past that he shared with T'Challa, it's been almost 4 and a half years since hell had broken loose.

But he pressing on shutting his eyes tightly trying to block out the emotional memories that still haunt him. Though he bumped into something hard, opening his eyes quick and stepping back his eyes adjusting to the light that he tried to close out.

Ramodona stood afore him, with a concerned look plastered on her face. Placing her hand upon his cheek before a soft smile grew upon her.

They sat there for a moment of silence.

5 years.

Little T sat on the bed, his tail flicking slow as his eyes peer to the outside world he calls his own territory if he was allowed to leave the kingdom really but cannot. There was a sudden noise as the door as if it was being open causing the cat to turn quick to investigate, only for his owner to step in Y/n stood there looking rather tired and God forbid looked like he was ready to pass out.

Little'T meows loudly to get his attention, causing the young adult to look up with a fake smile. "Hey buddy." He sounded tired also.

It was another late night of wondering the kingdom in search of answers or of anything of T'Challa though it's been 5 years really.

Though he paused, his wrist going off like crazy as he pulled a bead off quickly placing it within his palm as Okyoe looked rather frantic and with on the brink of crying.

"My king, they... have returned..."

Y/n ran out of the room in quick timing causing Little T to hiss scared by the sudden movement.


The battle of the fate of millions was bloody, Y/n friend and partner in hoping to find out of anything. Natalie has passed before even the major war on earth to get one of those stones to stop Thanos and bring many back.

But the worse of all was of Tony, as he was the one who brought the finale snap to end it all. Causing his death.

Though many good things had happened, as many loved ones were founded once again along with millions of lives across the galaxy was returned.

But the truly best of all, was when T'Challa returned to his home, and to his love.

The moment they laid eyes upon each other felt like magic it self when the two collided in tears of joy and sadness of not seeing each other... for so long.


"It was a dark place, it felt mostly like a dream." T'Challa spoke recalling his time in a place where time doesnt really exist but only darkness.

"But yet it felt like seconds.."

"But it took 5 years, for your return." Y/n added

The two sat in silence as the day grew closer and closer to the darkness of the night, the sunset as it is one of the best in the world, causing Y/n to gaze out into the sky with a soft sigh.

T'Challa followed his gaze out to the distance sky, as the two stared out into the land afore them.

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