T'Challa x Male| The trial.

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Y/n was back in his cell fully awake, the king was some where else and Shuri was in huge trouble for what she done. He begged for a no terrible punishment for her, hopefully it came.

He was told he had a trial coming, but was never told when it happen.

Y/n hummed quietly, but was cut off by the door being opened. His eyes shot up to it seeing the king in the d oor way while two of the guards were beside him.

Today was the day.

Y/n and Mitch were in the Throne room, as they were surrounded by the tribe elders, the guards, and the king.

He hasn't seen Mitch in days, glancing over he saw his friend covered in cuts and bruises to his attempts and fighting back. Wincing at the sight he turned it back to the king who sat in front of them.

With a loud clang of the staff," this trial shall begin." The guard next to the king said.

"The elders and I shall hear your reasons ot entering Wakanda." He spoke.

Mitch had glanced over to Y/n as he began to speak "we are here to take vibrameni, but someone doesn't wanna come forward on the action." His glance became a hard glance.

"BS, I am not here for that matter!" Y/n sneered.

"Yeah right!" Mitch yelled as there was a loud clang.

"Slience both, of I'll rip but your tongues out." The women glared at both of them.

With a chuckle from the blue covered blanket male. The king starred at both of them, making his decision.

He than spoke in another language along with the others their attentions turned towards him.

Y/n looked at the ground, while Mitch watched the elders speak, they became silent as their attentions went back to the prisoners.

"We have came to a conclusion." The king began.

"You will serve out your time here as our prisoners, all your items at home shall be brought here for anything that will danger us."

Mitch was about to breath a sigh of relief.

"But, if we do find anything of interest of the vibrameni we will conduct a further punishment."

The elders had nodded in agreement.

This was going to the new life Y/n

T'Challa x male Reader Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now