T'Challa x Male reader| Arguement

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I regret nothing

Y/n stormed out of the room as T'Challa yelled for him to come back, only to anger him more. "Y/n let me explain." He spoke fast walking out of the room,

"What do you have to explain King?" Y/n stopped and turned towards T'Challa full of anger.

"Just calm down and let me-" with a loud slap echoed through it the hall it became silent, T'Challas hand slowly raised to his cheek placing it upon the hand mark.

Y/n stood there with anger in his eyes still burning with hatred.

"Leave me alone.." he spoke softly holding back tears as he walked off again.

T'Challa stayed in that spot until Y/n was out of his sight, his hand still on the cheek turning back to the room he lowered his hand and walked back inside closing the door behind him.

T'Challa x male Reader Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now