T'Challa x male reader| Oh boy

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after 12 ish chapters it was bound to happen at anytime given, but in all seriousness thank you guys 😚💙💙💙

Cranks out the old lewd

Its been awhile

A quiet gasp escaped from Y/n lips as he felt another kiss on his nape, he felt hands creeping up his sides and slowly reached down to the hem of his shirt to only lift again in a soothing motion each time T'challa did that Y/n shirt came up little by little. T'Challa kept attacking y/n's neck with kisses.

"T'Challa..." y/n said with a hush voice only to bit his lip feeling the warm sensation of T'Challa's lips to his left ear nibbling on the tip. His hands now under his shirt, slowly guiding up y/n's stomach.

Leaning a little bit into the king with a sigh, y/n's clutched the bedsheets tightly feeling something wer and warm go from the bottom to the top of his ear. A quiet moaned escaped from his lips as a chuckle erupted from behind.

"Sensative are we?" T'Challa said with a husky voice, as he slowly licked Y/n's ear again. Another quiet moan left his lips as the pair of hands kept their soothing motion but lowered every so often to the other males pants.

Y/n's breath hitched feeling those hands get lower and lower to his heat area, he stopped the hands though with his own. "T'Challa.. why so soon?" Y/n chuckled quietly, T'Challa surprised didnt say anything for a few moments. Y/n could feel the kings smirk on his ear,"than what do you suggest?" He whispered into the other males ear as he nibbled on it again causing the other to gasp at the sensation.

Y/n turned him self to face T'Challa his face and ears burning a little with a slight but almost unnoticeable panting, "I see now." The man's smirk grew a little wider as he leaned towards Y/n slowly, though being impatient the other male smacked his lips on to T'Challa's causing him to chuckled at that. The two were deep into the kiss, but a hand sneakily reached down to Y/n's pants pulling at front of his where his area was hot and was tenting slowly.

This had caused Y/n to moan into the other males lips, as he took the chance to explore more of y/n's mouth. Feeling the hand below slowly draw out his dick from the cover os his pants, y/n stiffened at the slightly new feeling below as the hand caressed him at a slow pace. The two pulled away from each other to catch their breath, "two can play st this game by king." Y/n said breathlessly as his hand also reached down to the other males pants as his hand moved across the bulge that was building up intensely.

T'Challa groaned but was replaced with a chuckle, his touch on y/n's became slight rougher as his hand reached the tip of the other male pushing it down a little with his thumb. Causing Y/n to bite his lip allowing a tiny bit of moan to release, squeezing his eyes shut at that. The two males than went back into a makeout session, y/n hand still on the bulge as he squeezed it. This back fired on him though as the king did the same but a little harder.

The two dicks were against each other, y/n head leaned into T'Challa's shoulder as he felt himself against the kings own dick. Panting heavily as he bit his lip to hold back a moan, both his arms wrapped around T'Challa's neck tighten at the feeling of both being pumped slowly. Every so moments the pumping became faster and rougher, he could feel blood drip down his chin from biting his lip hard.

The grip around T'Challa's neck grew tighter, the other males breathing hitched as he felt a slight pain on his shoulder. Feeling his lower body heat up more with each pump, causing y/n to moan quietly as he could but it didnt work very well when he tried to bit his lip again.

The only sounds within the room were heavy breathing, and skin of the two being slapped against each other. It soon broke with both moaning in relief as both males released themselves on to each other, T'Challa bit into y/n's shoulder as he groaned out in his language. Y/n on the other hand bit into his own to silence his moan of satisfaction.

The two sat in silence once again, their heavy breathing echoed through the room, both of their lower abdomens covered with white substance the heat of this still burned in both.

Y/n's head rested on T'Challa's shoulder still, both his arms wrapped about the mans neck loosely. T'Challa removed himself from y/n's shoulder staring at the mark he left behind on his shoulder.

There was a silent buzz. T'Challa quickly removed Y/n off him quickly as he was in surprise and confusion. The king stood up fixing himself up quickly pulling his pants up also and tried to clean off the cum...

He lifted his hand for a live feed of Okoye light up the room, the two spoke in their native language. As the king walked around the room sounding calm somehow, meanwhile Y/n sat up from the bed fixing himself also. Feeling his shoulder where T'Challa had BIT HIM stung, picking up his shirt he wore before that laid beside him putting it back on quickly along with pulling his pants up, the heat below had is gone now.

T'Challa sighed as the call ended. His back towards Y/n "care to explain?" He asked.

"Something important came up at the border, I'll return soon." He said clearing his throat. Turning towards y/n.

"....fucking cock block bull-" y/n grumbled, as he rubbed his face.

"Dont worry y/n, we can do it again when I return." The king smirked, only for a short second as a pillow was thrown in his direction only to miss him.

"No thanks!" He snapped as he laid on the bed his back turned to T'Challa.

The king chuckled as he went to the door opening,"you know your quite noisy." He stated, as he closed the door behind him..

"Bastard..." y/n felt his cheeks warm up as he laid in the bed.

Get slightly cock BLOCK BOIS



God this was a pain to write without cringing. Lmao I'm bad with NSFW BS anyways thanks for reading my story guys! There will be more to CUM

ha get it I made a joke.

I'll go home

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