Chapter 10

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Farah had been shocked as the sorcerer talked to her as if she were an old friend of his. She stared at him, unable to say any words. Soon enough, however, she departed back into the crowd of maids, watching as they all listened to the sorcerer contently. Farah, unfortunately, didn't have such patience. She wished to find out what secrets he was hiding, and why he had acted as if he knew her. She was in lost in thought when suddenly the sorcerer's words ripped her from her haze.

"Now, I have called you all here today because I need a favor. The Prince and Princess' wedding rings have yet to have been made. As you may have guessed, the King and Queen of course, have sent for me to fulfill the task. I am here to make the rings," he proclaimed with a large smile. The maids erupted into conversation, wondering why they were needed for this.

"Why are we to be here for such an event? We don't know how to make a wedding ring!" One of the maids cried out above the crowd. The others all nodded in agreement, then looking to the sorcerer for reasoning. The enchanter just smiled, looking at them all from the middle of the thrones between the King and the Queen.

"Ah, that is a very interesting question. Yes, I do need your help, but it isn't for the wedding ring in exact. I need you all to help me retrieve the ingredients for the rings. You see, the rings requested are to be the most beautiful in all the land," he said, looking directly at Farah. Her eyes averted away from him, and she felt uneasy. "Come see me," he continued, "to find out which ingredient you must deliver for the potion to create such rings, I can be found at the small cottage on the edge of town. Good-day my friends!" And with that the sorcerer disappeared into a cloud of smoke, leaving all of the maids staring at where he had once been, awestruck.

"You heard what he said," The Queen spoke up. "And you maids will go one by one to visit him, with our permission, understood?"

Murmurs from the maids broke out, all of them nodding and talking, agreeing with the Queen.


Days had passed since the encounter of the sorcerer, and now only one week remained until the ball. Farah hadn't gone to the man yet, although almost everyone already had. Something about him made Farah anxious, though she couldn't tell why.

She walked through the bustling halls of the palace, holding a rag and duster in case she was needed to clean any areas. Through the opened palace windows, the cool Autumn air whirled past Farah, making her smile. She truly loved Autumn, for it wasn't too cold or too hot. It was just right.

A maid pushed passed her, and when she turned around to apologize, recognition covered her face. "You're Farah, right?" The woman asked. Farah nodded slowly, was there something wrong with her? Was she in trouble?

"Yes, I am, is there something-"

"You might want to go see the sorcerer, everyone but you has seen him," she said in a more hushed tone. "He seems very interested in why you waited so long."

Farah stood there as the maid told her this, worry filling her eyes as her body stiffened. He was waiting for her? Why? What good was she? Was she in trouble?

Farah nodded to the woman, thanking her. She then turned and walked briskly towards the throne room where she knew she would find the King and Queen.

She did find them there, discussing some matter that seemed very important to them. Farah kindly cleared her throat, and when both their heads whipped over to her she bowed.

"Your majesties, I would like to speak with the sorcerer about what I must do for him," Farah said still in a deep bow position. After a moment, the King and Queen nodded.

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