Chapter 2

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Adeline didn't sleep that night. Even when she began to drift off, the baby would move in her arms and wake her back up. It seemed to be a reminder that her that little Farah was still there.

She sat in bed up until the crack of dawn. As the sun rose, the warm light of the sun filtered in through the maids chamber, almost as if a wake-up call for all of the maids who were still sleeping. Hastily, they all got up, taking turns getting changed into their proper attire for the day. As they all walked out the door, Selena stay behind, noticing that Adeline wasn't exiting like the others.

Selena, who now gave her friend a closer look, felt realization shudder through her when she noticed the dark bags under Adeline's eyes. "Adeline, you didn't sleep!" Selena exclaimed in shock.

"Don't worry yourself, Selena, I'm fine," Adeline spoke softly, as if she had just mentally woken up due to Selena's words. Farah seemed to have woken up too, and for the first time, the two saw her eyes. They were the most beautiful irises they had ever seen, a beautiful greenish brown color that popped out against the dark shade of her wispy hair.

"Oh my..." Selena spoke in a soft whisper, her eyes wide with awe.

Adeline seemed to be thinking the same thing as she smiled down at the young child, cradling her still. "Y'know what, Adeline," Selena started. "I'll cover your evening duties for you today, go and find the royals and ask them to keep that child. There's somethin' about her that's a beautiful mystery." With that, the fellow maid walked out the door that had been left ajar by the others. Adeline didn't even get the chance to say thank you.

Around two hours after Selena left, Adeline stood, deciding it was time to get ready. She went into the bathroom herself, leaving little Farah on the bed. She made herself quick, getting changed faster than usual before taking part in some of her early morning routines. When Adeline walked back into the maids chamber it was nearly midday. Farah was still in the same spot as before, which relieved Adeline--she was lucky the baby hadn't created a fuss. She scooped up the child and walked out the door, heading for the throne room, where she knew she would find the royals at this time of day.

When she peered in, Adeline noticed that there was no one else in there. There were only the King and Queen, who sat in a poised manner, chatting politely with one another. Adeline walked in slowly, making sure she got their attention, and that the baby was in sight. The King and Queen, upon seeing Adeline enter, turned and watched her, noticing the bundle in her arms.

"Your Majesties," Adeline bowed gracefully. The two royals nodded their heads before the King spoke.

"Ah, Adeline, what has brought you here?" The King inquired, his voice a low tenor melody that filled up the room with ease. The Queen peered down at the baby in Adeline's arms.

The two wore royal attire, the King wearing a white flowing shirt that was tucked into a belt, paired with black pants and black leather boots. On his shoulders was a long velvet cape, and atop his head, a gleaming golden crown. The Queen wore a navy blue satin dress that ruffled up at the sleeves. Her hair was in a bun, and atop her head was a slightly smaller tiara--also made of gold. The two both had pale faces with soft brown eyes. The King with brown hair, while the Queen's was a dirty blonde shade.

"Your Majesties, last night I-I found a baby, outside of the palace. She was all alone, so I took her in and I was wondering....Your Majesties, if I may.... raise her as my own?" Adeline asked, still in a bowing position, her head facing the ground, the baby in her arms. The Queen rose from her seat without a sound, walking over to Adeline as she continued, "She won't get in the way, I promise, and if she does I will take the blame. I'll care for her and-"

The Queen touched Adeline's shoulders, causing the woman to look up at the woman, who had a light smile on her face. Her high cheekbones displayed, she looked to the King. They seemed to have a silent disagreement, though in the end a conclusion was formed.

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