Chapter 20

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When they got outside, Atlas was waiting out there for them. He wore royal attire and was, thankfully, fully tacked, unlike before. It seemed that he had ventured back to the palace, and that was where Selena found him and became suspicious on Farah and Caspian's whereabouts.

Farah wished that she could ride on Atlas, and she knew that Caspian would let her, but she also knew that Selena would scold her and forbid her to ride the royals steed. Little did Selena know, though, that just recently Farah was cantering through the woods on Atlas' back, and both Caspian and the stallion didn't seem to mind; but alas, Farah understood Selena's reasoning, for if she came to the palace riding the royals' steed and someone saw, she may be punished, brutally. So Caspian got to ride Atlas while Selena and Farah trailed behind. The maid wished she could talk to the Prince, but sadly, Selena wanted nothing of it, as she instantly began lecturing poor Farah.

"How much of an idiot are you?" Selena hissed at her somewhat daughter, her dark eyes filled with anger, yet fear. Farah stared at the cobblestone of the streets as they walked along the path back to the palace.

"Selena I-"

"No! I don't want any excuses! I want to know the truth and I want to know it, now. And believe me, I'll know if you're lying," Selena cut off Farah, watching her sternly as she raised her gaze to her family figure, then glancing at Caspian who was waving to crowds of rich, noble women. She felt her heart pound against her chest in anxiousness. If she told Selena she would be judged, and spitefully, but if she didn't, then what was Selena to think of her? A liar? She would be no better than Amara. So, she decided to tell Selena the truth, or most of it, at least. Farah took in a deep breath, preparing herself, her emerald eyes watching Selena.

"Caspian.... took me to the beach..." She said softly, watching Selena's troubled expression suddenly become an interested one. As Farah didn't continue, Selena tapped her on the shoulder, almost as if playfully slapping her back to reality.

"And?" Selena asked, staring at Farah with knowing eyes. She seemed almost eager yet unprepared to hear more.

"We talked for a while. I accidentally fell asleep, and so did he. We woke up on the beach in the morning, I believe, but it was still very dark. Cas-" Farah paused as Selena eyed her. She didn't seem to like how Farah was calling the Prince by his real name. Farah only rolled her eyes, continuing. "-His highness said that he spotted something in the woods, but couldn't make it out. So we tried to hurry home, but we ran into robbers. He and I warded them off, but he got hurt and so we took him to the sorcerer. Okay?" Farah asked, crossing her arms. She had only given Selena a brief description of the morning, not wanting to get into detail.

"You let the Prince get hurt?" Selena hissed, her interested look now turning to a worried and unpleased one. "Where?"

"Oh, he's fine," The green-eyed maid reassured Selena. "He, unknowingly.... walked into a... tree and hit his head pretty hard," Farah laughed nervously, coming up with the story as she went, making Selena give her an I know you're lying look; but Farah just averted her gaze away from the other maid, not wanting to talk about it.

"I see," Selena began slowly, then continuing. "But don't think this is over. Just you wait until you get back to the palace," She said in a vigilant manner. Selena took a moment, biting her upper lip in thought. "Well, for me, that story... worked, I guess; but for the royals you're going to need something actually believable. Do you really think they'd trust the fact that you and Caspian snuck out in the middle of the night to go to the beach? They're goody-two-shoes Prince running off with a maid?"

"Yes," Farah said without hesitation, making Selena roll her eyes, a sudden smile appearing on her face.

"Okay, fine, they may believe that, but you need something that won't make them as frightened and angry. Now, come up with an excuse as to why you were out with so long and tell pretty boy so that he doesn't rat you out, got it?"

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