Chapter 27

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As the carriage arrived at the steps of the palace, Farah felt her heart was going to jump out of her chest. It all felt so surreal, unimaginable. She would've never guessed that she would be dressed like this and going to a ball such as this one. A feeling of worry suddenly washed over her. What if she screwed up? What if they discovered it was her, and forced her back to Selapos?

The carriage came to a halt, and Farah took a deep breath. It was now or never. Opening the door, she stepped out into the cool, crisp summer air. She gradually made her way up the steps, trying to calm herself whilst doing so, although it was getting harder as she drew closer and closer.

The brunette stepped through the doorway, handing the guards her invitation, before proceeding into the ballroom. The halls of the palace gave her nostalgia, as she held memories in nearly every room. She eventually entered the ballroom, the lights blinding compared to the dimly lit hallways. She entered slowly, remembering her made up title, as she descended the stairway, trying not to trip on her gown. Although she wasn't the last in the ballroom, and there were others entering behind her, she felt stares upon her face, her dress, her being.

She saw Caspian at the far end of the hall, seated next to Amara, along with his parents on either side of him. He wore gold and white royal attire, almost like an intricate tuxedo. He sat lazily in the throne, clearly not liking where he was. Amara, whom sat beside him, chatted with other noblemen and women, not paying attention to her fiancee's boredom. The King and Queen stood out of their seats, conversing with the others, also. There were so many people in the ballroom, it seemed crazy. She didn't recall there being so many rich society members in Allenia. Then again, she had rarely went out of the palace  unless it was her break or needed by the royals. 

As her foot landed against the marble floor of the ballroom, Farah looked around at all the people. She fiddled with her dress before making her way over to clumps of people around her. She felt so out of place around them, their vibes proper and judgmental. She soon found herself near the refreshments, pouring water into a small glass cup, lost in her own thoughts, blocking out the millions of sounds around her.

At the sight of the woman, Caspian had raised a brow, confused as to who this woman was. He knew all of the rich and royalty nearby, but hadn't heard of another noblewoman or Princess, such as herself. He stood, she looked oddly familiar. Almost recognizable, even though he couldn't understand why. The Prince found his way over to the woman, who stood by the beverages, sipping on a glass of water tentatively.

"Hello, madam, I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you," he gave a kind smile, watching as the woman jumped at his words, then turning around. Caspian inhaled sharply, seeing her bright green orbs. He knew those eyes. Could it be-? no. It couldn't.

"Oh, hello, your majesty," the woman bowed deeply before lifting her head up to meet the Prince's gaze. "I am Princess Veiruna of Consensio, it is truly an honor to meet you," the woman grinned kindly at the royal.

As she spoke, Caspian felt his heart drop. So it wasn't her; but then why did he have this odd feeling that she was in fact in this very ballroom. It seemed odd, almost as if he could feel her presence.

"Ah, well it is a pleasure to meet you, as well," the Prince spoke, his mind suddenly flying with thoughts. Consensio? He had never heard of such a kingdom. "If you don't mind me asking, how far is Consensio from-"

"Caspian!" a feminine voice called out. The Prince turned, seeing Amara coming towards him. Her lilac gown dragging along the floor, her hair in a large bun, gems and jewels tied in. She held onto Caspian's shoulder as she came beside him gracefully, grinning sweetly at the woman in front of her. "Come, the dance is about to start," Amara spoke in an airy voice before pulling Caspian down into the middle of the dance floor, beginning to waltz with her fiancee. As the two were sucked into the song, Farah let out a sigh of relief. She had seen Caspian's face, reading her like a book, trying to figure her out. She was lucky that he didn't even realize it was her.

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