Chapter 14

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Caspian gaped at Farah.

"They did what?" He hissed, anger in his tone.

"Cas, it was really for a good reason I-"

"No! No reason is a good reason, Farah. When we get to the clearing you're going to tell me everything, got it?" Caspian said through gritted teeth. Farah reluctantly nodded, turning her gaze away from him. After a moment she turned her head to look back at the Prince.

"Where exactly are we going?" Farah asked, watching Caspian. He glared at her, making Farah's eyes widen, but his gaze soon turned into a smile.

"Your face!" The Prince chuckled, shaking is head. It was almost as if he had already forgotten he was mad before, which made Farah somewhat concerned; for the Prince only rarely forgot important things. "Follow me," Caspian said, nudging Bayard into a gallop. The maid watched him for a moment in confusion, but Farah soon narrowed her eyes, a smile forming on her face. Patting Atlas' neck she laughed.

"Come on, Atlas, let's show them how it's done." The maid then shook the reigns around the stallion's neck while nudging him with her heel, making a clicking noise. Atlas immediately understood, bolting into a fast gallop, his feet barely touching the dirt path. The stallion reached Caspian and Bayard in less than a minute, and when Caspian looked behind him he seemed shocked that she was riding up right behind him. Farah steered Atlas to gallop besides Bayard. Laughing, she spoke, "you underestimate my ability to ride Atlas, I see?"

"No, not at all!" Caspian said, gasping dramatically, clearly acting. Farah shook her head, her hair flying past her as they flew past the trees and woods surrounding them. Soon the forest became a beach, and in front of Farah was a gorgeous ocean.

Small waves overlapped the shore as the moonlight gleamed on the dark blue waters. The ocean gave Farah a peaceful feeling of serenity as she felt in-sync with the flow of the tide. She slowed Atlas down, nearing the ocean. The maid's eyes were wide as she took in the beauty of the scenery, for she had never seen such elegant beaming waters except when she went to get Atlas. But that was at the docks. This had a totally different feeling to it. It felt calm, whereas the docks had a chaotic vibe with all the boats coming in and out.

"Farah!" She turned, hearing her name being called. Caspian sat there, atop Bayard. He dismounted the stallion, and Farah followed his movements, leading Atlas towards the water where Caspian seemed to want her to go.

The two took a few minutes to get settled before getting comfortable. They settled the horses after finding somewhere to keep them, which apparently was at the base of the forest since they couldn't be tethered anywhere else.

Once Farah sat down, though, Caspian watched her. She felt a bit uneasy for a minute, that is, until he spoke up.

"Farah, would you mind.. telling me why they-?" Caspian asked softly. Farah blinked, looking at Caspian. She looked into his eyes, those beautiful hazel eyes, and for a moment she saw past all of their beauty. There in his eyes was pain, and longing. He seemed to care, he cared for his people, for his parents, for his kingdom, for her. Farah pulled away from his gaze, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, Caspian, I-"

"I understand," Caspian said nodding. "I suppose ai wouldn't feel comfortable either if I were in your shoes. I'm sure it was not a...happy memory."

Farah smiled softly, glad that he understood her reasoning. Farah pulled her knees up to her chest, placing her chin on her knees, her gaze set ahead.

"Hey, Cas?"

"Yes, Farah?"

"Have you ever thought of what it might be like? If you were born into a different lifestyle?" Farah asked quietly, her lips barely parting. Caspian still understood her.

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