Chapter 24

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"Wake up sleeping beauty!" A shout was heard, causing Farah to roll over on the small cot that Theo had assigned to her. 

It had been three months since she was kicked out out of Allenia and sent to Selapos, and she had been staying with Theo and Hendrix ever since. She had started working at a small magic shop in town in order to earn a profit so she could stay with Theo and Hendrix. The girl sat up in bed slowly, rubbing her eyes. Theo and Hendrix were already in their work clothes, seeing as they usually woke up before sunrise in order to prepare for the day. The two work out in the square as an entertainment group, and are able to earn enough money to keep the small home that they own, now especially with Farah's help. 

She rubbed her eyes once more, making her way over to the small closet that they all shared, grabbing the dress that she wore for the job. It was a plain black dress with navy glittered designs, nothing special. She pulled the curtain around herself so that she wouldn't be visible to Theo and Hendrix, slipping the dress on after she had taken her nightgown off. 

Farah was about to take her hair out of the bun that she had thrown it up into last night when she heard a knock on the door. Glancing at Theo and Hendrix, she furrowed her brow, for who would be at their home at this hour? Cautiously, the three made their way over to the small wooden door, Farah gripping her mother's necklace, Hendrix holding a knife, and Theo clenching his fists in case he needed to attack. The three waited at the door for another moment, waiting. Another knock rang out and Farah jumped ever so slightly. Theo reached for the doorknob, and slowly twisted it, before throwing open the door. Farah blinked at the sight she saw, her mouth falling open. 

"S-Strizor? Why on earth are you in Selapos?"

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