Chapter 28

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"In you go, witch," One of the guards spoke as the other pushed Farah into an open cell. The woman fell to the ground, sliding across the cold stone floor. The door closed with a clang, and the guards locked it before leaving. Laughing and chatting as if nothing had just happened. Sitting up, Farah ran to the bars, gripping them tightly. 

The brunette tried to think of a spell to use to get her out of this situation. Anything would work. Anything. She shut her eyes, running her hands through her scalp, trying to think of something. Opening her eyes once more, Farah groaned, unable to think of anything. Amara must've come prepared, finding a way to block her mind from using magic. Scooting to the corner timidly, Farah curled into a ball in the corner, eventually falling asleep, ready to face whatever was to happen to her. 

Hours passed, and soon, the ball was over. With the servants cleaning up, and Caspian stuck conversing with his parents, Amara slipped down into the dungeons. Storming down the hallways of the cellar with a grin on her face, the princess stopped, seeing the former maid sleeping peacefully. Rolling her eyes, Amara huffed. 

"Alatar!" She hissed, staring straight at the woman in front of her, crossing her arms. A puff of blue-black smoke erupted next to Amara, and in seconds, a male stood next to her. His deep sunken eyes looked at the Princess, and then to the former maid in the cell. 

"What's going on?" He asked gruffly, rubbing his eyes. "It's early in the morning, Princess, I don't know why-"

"I want her gone," Amara spoke above Alatar, not sparing a glance at the shertswire. "I don't care how, but I want her gone. Especially before the execution. Caspian will find a way to save her, and I don't want that. I want her gone," the royal spoke through gritted teeth. 

"Oh, your majesty, it would bring me such pleasure to get rid of such a being, you-"

"Watch out, though, Alatar. She's a witch, and she-"

"She won't be able to compare to my magic, your majesty, and-"

"Don't cut me off like that," Amara huffed. At her words, Alatar took Amara's hand, planting a kiss upon it. 

"Of course, your majesty. My most sincere apologies," the man spoke, letting go of the Princess' hand. "Now, how would you like me to get rid of this woman?" Alatar asked, watching the sleeping brunette. 

"I don't care. Torture her for all I care, but don't let her get away, and don't let her out of that cell, or else she'll be able to use magic against you. Got it?" Amara asked, glancing at the shertswire next to her before striding off down the hallway. "And don't let anyone find out," she finished before walking around the corner and disappearing. 

"Ah, yes, of course, my princess. Now," Alatar turned to the cell in which Farah lay. Opening the door, a creaking noise erupted, causing Farah to jerk up quickly. Seeing the male in front of her, she frowned, raising a brow.

"Who are you?" Farah asked softly, standing slowly, eyeing the figure before her. "Let me go, I've done nothing wrong, I-"

"Silence," Alatar said plainly, flicking his wrist. At his motion, Farah felt her body propel and hit the wall. She grimaced, crumbling to the ground, shaking vigorously. 

"Who are you?" Farah asked once more, looked up at the male, her gown now covered in dust and dirt even more than before. 

"I suppose I can share with you. You're going to be gone soon, anyways. If you must know, my name is Alatar. And I'm just about the strongest being you'd ever meet. I can end your life in seconds," he grinned devilishly, pulling his hand up in the air. Farah gritted her teeth together as she was lifted into the air, inches off the ground. Thrusting his hand in a downwards movement, Farah was slammed onto the floor. Tears stung her eyes as she looked back up at the man. 

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