Chapter 13

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The walk to the stables was silent, awkward, and painful.

Caspian wanted to talk to Farah, he ached to talk to her, he just didn't know what to say. The Prince occasionally stole a glance at the maid, but was reluctant to watch her graceful movements for fear that she would see him and think he judging when he really was admiring her.

The maid on the other hand kept trying to avoid the Prince's gaze, knowing that if she gazed at him her heart would melt just like it always did. Eventually the two made it to the stables, much to Farah's relief, and began to tack up the horses.

Farah, of course, had chosen to ride Atlas. Although Caspian seemed reluctant at first, he had allowed her to ride the stallion without Farah needing to push him too much. It was clear the horse meant a lot to Caspian, but Farah knew deep down that she cared for it more, though she would never tell Caspian this; for she was the one who fed Atlas, cleaned him, and kept his stall nice and sanitary.

As Farah saddled the beast she glanced over at Caspian. She giggled, seeing he was having a bit of a hard time working on his stallion's saddle. Farah tied Atlas' reigns to a post, then walking over to Caspian's horse. She knew the stallion, his name was Bayard. He was a lean palomino stallion with silky white hair, Bayard fit Caspian's rank, with his glowing golden coat and proud, regal stature.

Farah tapped Caspian's shoulder and he spun around, seeing her, he smiled. "Hey, Farah, I-"

"Do you need help?" The maid asked with a chuckle. The Prince blushed, nodding. Farah laughed, shaking her head. Caspian stared at the ground, ashamed, and Bayard snorted almost as if he too were laughing. Farah patted Caspian's shoulder.

"Cas, it's fine, you're fine," Farah smiled that brilliant smile making Caspian's heart flutter. He smiled at her with not much more confidence. Farah blushed now, though it was less noticeable.

She took a deep breath, then moving more towards the stallion. Bayard lowered his muzzle, chewing on some straw. Farah turned her head, looking at Caspian.

"Come here, Cas, I'll show you." Caspian nodded, moving closer. His arm brushed Farah's making chills run throughout her body, but she ignored them, taking the leather girth and explaining as she worked. "See this hole here?" Farah asked, pointing to a small hole in the girth. Caspian nodded, watching as she took the other part of the leather material.

"Now, with this hand you put this through the hole. Got it?" Farah asked, looking up at Caspian. He blinked, looking at the piece of leather in her left hand. It appeared to get smaller and smaller until it was a long line that was thin yet sturdy enough to get through the hole. Taking a moment to understand her words he watched the pieces, then nodding once more. "Good, now, once this leather piece it through the hole you're going to do a double knot, but when you knot it the second time don't go too tight or else it'll be impossible to undo."

In one swift movement, the girth was fully attached to the saddle and secure. Caspian stared in awe at Farah, blinking nonstop trying to process how she had done that so quickly. He heard her laugh and watched, Farah covered her mouth with her hand delicately. "Sorry, Cas," she said still giggling, "it's just your face."

"That looks so hard!" Caspian protested, "it seems nearly impossible!"

"Yes, it seems nearly impossible. That doesn't mean it is," Farah stated. "After you've done it a few times it's easy, don't worry."

The maid then turned, walking over to Atlas, whose white coat seemed to brighten up the dark room. Caspian followed Farah, going to help her onto the stallion. Farah, though, had other plans. Easily she put her foot into one of the iron stirrups, showing her worn out, broken shoes. Upon seeing her shoe in such horrible condition, Farah covered it with her dress quickly so that Caspian couldn't see, but he already had. He stared at the shoe in horror, not acknowledging how Farah then gracefully hoisted herself up onto Atlas' back, setting her other foot in another stirrup.

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