Chapter 29

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"Your majesties," Farah bowed deeply, before standing once more, pushing strands of curly hair out of her face. "I have brought you here for a very important reason, you must listen to me, it's about Amara, she-"

"You're lucky you're even alive, Farah. You will address Princess Amara as her highness, do you understand?" The King growled, staring at Farah harshly. She huffed, trying her hardest to say as much as she could before Amara found the two so she could contradict her. 

"Yes, your majesty, now, it's about her highness. She isn't who she says she is, you must believe me. She was in possession of a shertswire this whole time, and this is he," Farah spoke, gesturing to Alatar, who's arm she still gripped tightly. He glared at Farah, saying nothing. 

"You speak with insanity. How would she get her hands on such a being? You have no proof," The Queen spoke up, glaring at Farah. "Why should we believe you. You've gone against us more than once, we have no reason to trust you," the royal narrowed her gaze at Farah. 

"It was all a plot, your majesties. Before, I was too scared to tell you, worried that I would have to leave the kingdom or be executed. But now, now that I'm already kicked out and sentenced to death from her majesty, I have no reason to hide in my shell," Farah shook her head. Stepping forwards, Alatar being dragged with her. "I know how much Caspian loves this kingdom. I know how much he wants the best for his people. And as much as I wish he would be fine with her majesty, Princess Amara as his wife, I know otherwise. Princess Amara has no care for Caspian. She plans to take over the kingdom with the shertswire allowing her to do so," she spared a glance at Alatar who rolled his eyes, not meeting her gaze. "Amara set me up the day that I was sent to Selapos. She placed the ring out in the courtyard. I went out there because she set me up," Farah explained, pleading to the royals. The Queen sat forward in her seat, squinting her gaze at the former maid, while the King leaned back in his throne. 

"And why should we believe you? I will only believe it when I see it," the King shook his head stubbornly. "Why don't we bring in Princess Amara, guards?"

"No! Your majesties, she'll contradict the whole thing. She'll say it wasn't her," Farah pleaded, losing hope by the second. How was she to prove Amara guilty?

Footsteps were heard down the hall, and Amara walked in. Seeing Alatar and Farah, the woman's eyes bulged, but she covered it up quickly.  

"What's going on here, your majesties?" The Princess asked the King and Queen. Farah could sense Alatar and Amara having a whole conversation through facial expressions, and she narrowed her eyes at the Princess.

"Farah here claims you to be in possession of a shertswire," the Queen said smoothly, nodding to Alatar. "She says that this man is he."

"Shertswire? How would I get such a thing," she furrowed her brow, trying to act innocent. Farah glared at her, her emerald orbs deadly. 

"She also says that she is to be executed. Dear Amara, why would she be put to execution?" the Queen asked, clasping her hands together. 

"She's a witch!" Amara hissed, staring at the brunette harshly. "She was a witch this whole time! Only god knows what she was plotting to do to us if she was to stay. Clearly shipping her off to Selapos wasn't enough, because she came back, at the ball. I mean, just look at her! It's clear she's a fraud! She deserves to perish," the Princess claimed, frowning. 

"What's going on, why's everyone shouting?" Caspian wandered in. Seeing everyone in the throne room, he paused, his mouth opening and closing in confusion. "Mother, father, what-why-" the Prince stopped abruptly, noticing Farah, who looked like she was going to claw Amara's hair out. Seeing the Prince she shook her head, gesturing subtly to Alatar beside her. Caspian's eyes widened, could he be the shertswire? To be honest, he couldn't care less if it was the shertswire. He was just happy to see Farah. He had spent the night trying to find ways to save her, desperate to keep her alive. Had she died, Caspian wouldn't know what he'd do. He'd be crushed. 

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