Chapter 12

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Farah stood in the middle of the towns square, watching as people passed by. The girl tried to ask the ongoing passerby's questions, but they all ignored her. It was as if she were invisible. As they all walked past, they turned their heads to the fountain in the middle of the square. It seemed something about it was magnificent to them.

Farah turned to look at the fountain, unsure why so many were drawn to it. When she saw what lay ahead, she gaped at the sight. The fountain, which had once been a wonderful artifact of the past, was now a completely modern view of the present. Farah didn't like the look of it, but the others appeared the feel the opposite way.

The girl tentatively stepped forwards, as if she was going to fall into a ditch at any moment and be unable to escape. Farah wanted to get a closer view of the fountain which everyone was so excited to be around, and when she finally made it to the front, she regretted it with all of her might.

There stood Caspian and Amara, smiling at one another, their love clear as the blue sky. Although Farah knew this couldn't be true, a part of her wondered if Caspian could grow to love Amara; for she was pretty, much prettier than herself, and unbearably wealthy.

The couple then embraced, their figures upon the fountain moving in fluid motions, their essence swirling until the two stood there once more. This time, however, Amara held a baby in her arms. Farah watched, horrified, as the Royal couples' lips intertwined. As Amara then pulled away, she caught sight of Farah, and frowned sourly. "What is she doing here? I thought you said you would have her banished years ago!"

Caspian looked in the direction Amara was glaring at dangerously, and at first she thought he would recognize her and smile, but he did not. The Prince merely smiled cruelly, a look that made Farah unsettled.

"Oh, my dear," he began, speaking to Amara with a devilish gleam in his eye. "I believe we can do better then that, lets assure that she never enters our kingdom again."

The image then swirled around her, and Farah found herself trapped in pillory, her hands and head stuck between wood. Farah struggled to get out, but paused, suddenly hearing an announcement,

"Now, make sure she shall never see Allenia again!" Someone yelled out. Farah swore it was Caspian's voice, but she wasn't sure, it sounded much too cruel for him to say something like that.

A figure walked towards her through the crowd, a hood and a black cloak, along with a chain-mail chest plate covering his body. In his hand, an axe. Farah's heartbeat quickened, this couldn't be it, it couldn't be the end, could it? She braced herself, hearing Caspian shout for her to be killed, when suddenly everything became pitch black.

Farah was free of the pillory, and she found herself falling into nothingness. Could this be what it felt like to be dead?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt herself hit cold stone, making her groan. She heard a soft whisper, and sat up. There, she saw Caspian, watching her through bars.

"C-Caspian?" Farah asked softly, her voice sounding much more scared than she thought it should. He looked at her with kind, yet sorrowful eyes, making Farah swallow hard. "What is it? W-What h-happened?"

Caspian said nothing, turning his head away as Farah came to the cell door, gripping the bars. She pleaded to him, trying to get him to tell her something, but Caspian said nothing. He didn't meet her gaze, and he didn't make a single movement or sound. That is, until a woman's voice called for him. He looked Farah in the eyes, tears in his as he spoke softly, a small, barely audible.

"I'm sorry."

Farah stared at him, her heart shattering at his words. She sensed herself falling, falling fast yet slow at the same time, being sucked back into the abyss of darkness. Her head spun, and she felt it was going to explode. Below her, Farah saw a bright white light. She went to reach for it, to feel it, for perhaps it was her getaway source.....

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